The Higher Education Loans Board is set to publish the names and pictures of defaulters in a bid to save needy children who need loans.
The board said the names and pictures of beneficiaries who have defaulted from 1975 to date shall be published in the leading newspapers.
"Some beneficiaries who are in default have not responded to previous communication ...therefore sustained default, hinders funding of other deserving Kenyan youth," it said through a statement.
This will be published after the expiry of 30 days from the date of the notice and therefore legal action may be taken against each defaulter.
"Beneficiaries who are not servicing their loans are therefore advised as to get in touch with HELB for particulars of their loan accounts," HELB added.
"...and any other inquiry on loan status may be confirmed via the loanee portal on the website."
The board said at least 85,000 Helb loan defaulters expected to pay Sh52.1 billion are on the run.
As at June 2019, a total of 61,038 loanees holding Kshs. 6.1 billion are in default as compared to 61,700 holding Sh6.55B at the end of June 2018.
A total of 215,778 loanees have cleared their loans worth Sh21.5 billion as compared to 190,554 cleared loanees holding Sh18.2 billion in June 2018.