Heavy security in Mumias as BBI forum kicks off at Bukhungu

Police on Tuesday canceled the meeting which would run parallel to the BBI forum.

In Summary

• Police on Tuesday canceled the meeting which would run parallel to the BBI forum at Bukhungu stadium in Kakamega town on security grounds.

• Commissioner of police in charge of staff operations in Western Elisha Adhiambo said the officers were not out for confrontation.

Heavy security in Mumias town./HILTON OTENYO
Heavy security in Mumias town./HILTON OTENYO

Police on Friday evening sealed off the historic Nabongo grounds in Mumias town to prevent organisers of the Western economic meeting.

Police officers were deployed in their hundreds and barricaded the entries to the Bomani grounds to ensure people did not assemble for the meeting.

There was heavy security patrols in full company gear within the town but entries and exits to the town remained free.


Some traders opted to stay away from their premises for fear that trouble may erupt.

Commissioner of police in charge of staff operations in Western Elisha Adhiambo said the officers were not out for confrontation.

Heavy security in Mumias./HILTON OTENYO
Heavy security in Mumias./HILTON OTENYO

"The officers are Manning the grounds and if the organisers come we'll tell them to leave. The organisers should reschedule their meeting for another date and we shall provide security. We are not favouring anyone," Odhiambo said.

Police on Tuesday canceled the meeting which would run parallel to the BBI forum at Bukhungu stadium in Kakamega town on security grounds.

Deputy Western regional police commander Leonard Omollo on Friday said the meeting was blocked owing to the national terror alert.

The meeting was organised by a faction of Western leaders, largely those leaning towards Deputy President William Ruto opposed to the Kakamega BBI meeting. They claimed that the Kakamega meeting was an ODM affair.

Meanwhile residents have started arriving at Bukhungu stadium for the BBI meeting.


ODM leader Raila Odinga and other senior government officials are expected to attend the meeting.

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