
Vision 2030 leader Mwai exalted for his integrity

Mwai chaired the technical committee that developed Kenya's Vision 2030.


News22 January 2020 - 19:47

In Summary

• Mwai died on January 7 at the Nairobi Hospital. 

• Mwai also held top positions at various positions in the private sector including the Institute of Certified Secretaries. 

Raphael Mwai.

“It was love at first sight and 44 years later, this love remains the same.”

This tribute of Jane Nduta Mwai to her husband resonates with anybody who has ever crossed paths with Raphael Mwai. 

Mwai, who chaired the technical committee on Kenya’s Vision 2030, died on January 7, aged 73. He will be buried today (Friday)  at his farm in Mweiga, Nyeri.


Love was an integral ingredient of the persona of a man whose contributions to policy and governance spans across the public and private sector.

His indefatigable approach to responsibilities will be eternally mirrored by the fruits of Vision 2030. 

His higher education at the University of London and the United States International University in San Diego stirred in him a hunger for the transformation of Kenya into a first world country. 

This hunger – borne out of the love for Kenya – was the driving force in the various capacities in which he served the country.

“Mwai was never one to come to me asking for favours or a job. He just wanted to serve humanity and improve livelihoods,” Nyandarua Governor Francis Kimemia, who worked closely with Mwai in the civil service, recalls.

Apart from the National Economic and Social Council (NESC) – where he worked from 2004 to 2010 – Mwai also left an indelible mark at various institutions.

The Kenya Association of Manufacturers, Kenya Institute of Management, Kenya Private Sector Association, Federation of Kenya Employers and the Association of Professional Associations of East Africa, among others, attest that his mentorship was inspired by a desire to forge the next generation of leaders to drive Kenya’s development agenda forward. 


“FCS Mwai has laid a strong foundation for us and for the generations to come especially in the area of strategy, policy and governance,” James Wachira, chairman of PPD Consultants Ltd, says. 

His fatherly influence in his professional path was reflected in President Uhuru Kenyatta's message of condolence –  “Mr Mwai influenced many Kenyans especially those currently holding senior positions in our state corporations." 

Nonetheless, the strides he made in his career did not divert his attention from his family as a key pillar of his life. 

“Mwai was a great believer in the family and would usually encourage me to be a strong man of the family,” Governor Kimemia says.

An optimist par excellence, his positive outlook on life rubbed off on those who interacted with him.

“As a mentor, friend, you taught us and me in particular how to excel in life through diligence, focus, value for knowledge and above all a positive attitude towards life,” Pastor Joseph Mwai, his eldest son, says. 

Another son, Charles Maina, says, “The greatest gift I ever had was having a father like you. Your wise counsel, knowledge and kindness will forever be embedded in my heart. 

These words evoke memories of this quote from Maya Angelou, "People will forget what you said or what you did but they will never forget how you made them feel."

It is a quote that is all too real for family, friends and colleagues of Raphael Mwai who will forever remember the love and inspiration they experienced from him.

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