
Nairobi, Mombasa and Vihiga counties most densely populated - Census

Nairobi, Mombasa have a density of 6247, 5495 respectively per square km.

by patrick vidija

News21 February 2020 - 16:25

In Summary

• 32,732,596 were enumerated in rural areas and 14,831,700 in urban areas.

•  Vihiga comes third with 1,047 people per square kilometre.

An aerial view of the Kibera slum.

Nairobi, Mombasa and Vihiga counties are the most densely populated counties in Kenya.

In the 2019 Census report released on Friday, Nairobi is leading with a population of 6,247 people per square kilometre.

Mombasa follows closely with 5,495 people per square kilometre while Vihiga comes third with 1,047 people.


A total of 47,564,296 persons were enumerated during the census, comprising 23,548,056 males, 24,014,716 females and 1,524 intersex people.

This is according to the report represented an intercensal growth rate of 2.2 per cent compared to a growth of 2.9 per cent in the 2009 census.

Similarly, 32,732,596 were enumerated in rural areas and 14,831,700 in urban areas.

The report noted that the intersex figures are too few to be distributed at the sub-national level and totals may, therefore, differ slightly from the national aggregate.

Nairobi County has a total population of 4,397,037 people out of whom 2,192,452 are male compared to 2,204,376 female and 245 intersex.

Out of these, Nairobi has a total of 12,121 households.

While Mombasa has a population of 1,208,333 people, 610,257 are male compared to 598,046 female and 30 intersex with a household of 2,127.


Vihiga has a total population of 590, 013 with 283,678 being male and 306, 323 being female and 12 intersex.

Kisii county is in the fourth position with a dense population of 957.

Out of these, the total population is 1,266,860 people out of whom 605,784 are male compared to 661,038 female and 38 intersex.

Kiambu County closes at top five with a density of 952.

Kiambu has a total population of 2,417,735 people out of whom  1,187,146 are male and 1,230,454 are female.

In terms of Population growth, Kiambu is second after Nairobi which has the highest population at 4,397,037 people.

This means Kakamega is third with 1.867,579 people, followed in fourth place by Bungoma county with 1,670, 570 people.

Meru, Kilifi and Machakos would fall in fifth, sixth and seventh place respectively.

After Kiambu with a density of 952 per square kilometre, Nyamira follows with 675.

Nyamira has a population of 605,576 out of whom 290,907 are male and 314,656 are female.

Kakamega follows with a density of 619, with a total population of 1,867,579 people out of whom 897,133 are male and 970,406 female.

Kisumu, Bungoma and Busia counties follow with a density of 552,526 and 427 respectively.

While Migori County has a density of 427, Murang’a has 419 while Kirinyaga has 413.

On the Other hand, Marsabit County is the least densely populated at 6 with a total population of  459,785 people.  This makes it 243,548 male and 216,219 female.

Tana river comes second with 8 out of a population of 315,943 people. This makes it 158,550 male compared to 157,391 female.

Isiolo County is third with 11 out of a population of 268,002 people. This translates to 139,510 male and 128,483 with 9 intersex.

Turkana and Samburu Counties follow with 14 and 15 respectively with a population of  926,976 and  310,327 people.

While Turkana has 478,087 male and 448,868 female, Samburu has 156,774 male and 153,546 female.



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