Safaricom has waived fees for M-Pesa transactions below Sh1,000 following the COVID -19 outbreak.
President Uhuru Kenyatta had directed that telecos should consider reducing the cost of using mobile money during this period to curb the spread.
Over 6,000 people have died globally and thousands infected. In Kenya, three cases have been confirmed.
"In the meeting, it was agreed that all person-to-person transactions below Sh1,000 shall be free," Joseph said in a statement on Monday.
This means that from Tuesday morning, M-Pesa users will be able to send any amount below Sh1,000 for free over the next 90 days.
Joseph said CBK has also approved the increase of daily M-Pesa transaction limits from the current Sh70,000 to Sh150,000.
Kenyans will also be able to transact up to Sh300,000 up from the current limit of Sh140,000, and hold up to Sh300,000 in their M-Pesa wallets.
"Safaricom is also working with the Government by providing a Call Center and integrating a toll-free line 719 which has been set up by the National Emergency Response Committee on Coronavirus to support Kenyans in understanding howto prevent and manage suspected cases," he said.
"We have also interconnected other networks to ensure that their subscribers can access the Call Centre. All calls to 719 are free."
Informing the country of the new cases, President Uhuru Kenyatta said the two tested positive as a result of coming into contact with the first patient.
In a radical move, Uhuru announced a raft of measures to tame the spread of the virus.
Primary and secondary day schools are to suspend operations from today. For those who board, their school administrations are to ensure they are home by Wednesday.