Brothel? 35 Homa Bay teens arrested at sex, drugs party

"The house had been turned to a brothel,” he added.

In Summary

•The minors whose ages range between 13 and 17 were found in a room at Sango Estate on Friday evening.

•Those arrested include 20 girls and 15 boys.

Some of the 35 girls and boys aged between 13 and 17 years in a police vehicle at Sango estate in Homa Bay town on July 3,2020
Some of the 35 girls and boys aged between 13 and 17 years in a police vehicle at Sango estate in Homa Bay town on July 3,2020

Thirty five minors were arrested on Friday after they were found engaging in sexual activities in a rental house in Homa Bay.


The minors whose ages range between 13 and 17 were found in a room at Sango Estate on Friday evening.

Those arrested include 20 girls and 15 boys.


Arujo chief Bob Lango said some of the minors were found naked and kissing  as they danced to a loud music.

Police officers enter some children who were found engaging in sexual activities in a house at Sango estate in Homa Bay town on July 3,2020
Police officers enter some children who were found engaging in sexual activities in a house at Sango estate in Homa Bay town on July 3,2020

“Inside the room, there were already used condoms. We believe some of the minors were engaging in sex,” Lango said.

He said six children managed to escape through a back door before police officers arrived at the scene.

The police boss said the children were found smoking bhang as others drank alcohol.


 “Some minors were dressing up when we got into the house. The house had been turned to a brothel,” he added.

“Several bottles of different brands of alcohol were found on the floor and on a table in the house.”

Patrick Ayieko who is the owner of the house where 35 children were found engaging in sexual activities at Sango estate in Homa Bay town on July 3,2020
Patrick Ayieko who is the owner of the house where 35 children were found engaging in sexual activities at Sango estate in Homa Bay town on July 3,2020

He asked  parents to monitor the movement of their children adding that they will arrest men found eloping with teenage girls in the area.

“Men who will be found walking around with young girls will have to produce documents to show that they are related or else they will be arrested and charged,” he said.

Homa Bay police boss Sammy Koskey said they also arrested Patrick Ayieko-the owner of the house.

He said they will summon parents of the minors to the police station for questioning on Monday.

“We’re likely to charge them with abdication of duties as parents,” Koskey said.

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