First doctor to succumb to Covid-19 was to wed this year

Gor engaged in January after a three-year relationship

In Summary

• On July 5, Adisa fell sick and Mboss rushed her to Aga Khan University Hospital. She was diagnosed with diabetes and admitted at 10pm.

• She succumbed to complications arising from Covid-19 on July 10. 

The Kenyan doctor who died of Covid-19 was to get married in November after a proposal in January. 

Doreen Adisa Lugaliki, 38, was engaged to Fred Mboss, 45. The two met in 2017.

“I loved her because of her beauty, character and brains. Our parents were happy when we told them and they promised to support us,” Mboss told the Star on the phone.


The couple was waiting for the government to open up Nairobi so they could visit Adisa's home in Bungoma.

“The visit was to be followed by dowry payments before the wedding. The wedding plans were taking shape.”

But on July 5, Adisa fell sick and Mboss rushed her to Aga Khan University Hospital. She was diagnosed with diabetes and admitted at 10pm.

Her condition started to deteriorate on July 7 after she tested positive for Covid-19 and was admitted to the ICU.

“She succumbed to complications arising from Covid-19 early on July 10,” the family told mourners in Bungoma during her burial.


Doctors established through contact tracing that Adisa contracted the virus from a colleague who contracted it from a patient at the Nairobi South Hospital where she worked as a gynaecologist.

You were to wear a beautiful white gown, rest at Lee Funeral Home, and have your make up excellently done. We were to be in no hurry to bury you,” her sister Carol Lugaliki added.


“We were to take at least 10 days before we laid you to rest. We were to mourn you the Maragoli Style complete with Isukuti …to dance to reggae and preferably get some nice mix from DJ Mo. That is how you were to exit. Not like this. I am sorry Ady.”

Mboss said he will miss the trips they had had to Singapore, Dubai and other places across the world.

“I will miss her beautiful smile, her bright brains, her company and who she was to me,” Mboss said.

Adisa was previously married to Kituku Kinyae in 2007. It was not clear if they formally divorced. She left behind twins; Kyla Ndinda and Kyle Kimilu in 2008.

The daughters said Adisa has been saving people’s lives since they were born.

"So the fact that hers was taken away by Covid-19 leaves me in afaze."

Edited by R.Wamochie 

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