Great progress made: Mwangangi defends ministry after doctors' strike notice

Great progress made, Mwangangi defends ministry after doctors' strike notice

In Summary

• Mwangangi said the Ministry of Health officials together with those from the Nairobi Metropolitan Services held a meeting on Friday morning to discuss the concerns raised by the health workers.

• This is after doctors working in Nairobi issued a seven-day notice for a strike to begin on August 21. 

Health CAS Mercy Mwangangi.
COVID-19: Health CAS Mercy Mwangangi.

Health CAS Mercy Mwangangi has said all doctors' grievances outlined when they gave a strike notice are being considered and some have already been met.

Mwangangi said the Ministry of Health officials together with those from the Nairobi Metropolitan Services held a meeting on Friday morning to discuss the concerns raised by the health workers.

This is after doctors working in Nairobi issued a seven-day notice for a strike to begin on August 21. 


In the notice to the NMS, Kenya Medical Practitioners Pharmacists and Dentists Union listed five major grievances. 

They were demanding salaries and arrears for five specialists going back six months. 

Mwangangi said in the Covid-19 briefing that all allowances have been paid to all health workers in Nairobi county.

"We have the records to demonstrate this and we have confirmation from NMS that these were paid to the staff," she said.

KMPDU county secretary Thuranira Kaugiria had also said the quality of PPEs (personal protective equipment) delivered in city public hospitals was wanting, forcing healthcare workers to improvise with their own equipment. "It is appropriate that the nation and the public at large acknowledge that healthcare workers are always on harm's way," he said. 

On this, Mwangangi said the ministry has initiated a fourth round of distribution of quality PPEs to all health care workers.

"Additionally, we continue to encourage our medics that should you come across any PPE that is defective in any manner, our door is always open. Come in with that kit and we shall take necessary action," she said.


She noted that a "great deal of progress" has been made towards meeting all the grievances from health workers.

On the issue of National Hospital Insurance Fund covers, the CAS acknowledged that there has been delays in putting up comprehensive guidelines.

However, she said a budget has already been formulated for the same.

"Also,on August 7, negotiations were initiated at NHIF and are due to be completed within the coming week to ensure that these health care workers receive an enhanced cover under the civil service scheme" she said.

"So all this issues, we are dealing with."

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