Two women charged with murder in two boys' circumcisions

Two brothers in Kavonokya sect bled to death; their belief prohibits modern medical care, believes in prayer only

In Summary

• Two brothers bled profusely from razor cuts and three days after circumcision died from loss of blood. Their parents in the Kavonokya sect do not believe in medical care - only prayer.

• The woman circumciser, 70, and the woman owner of the house where the cutting took place were arrested and charged with murder at the Kyuso law courts. The boys' father will be charged with negligence - after the burial on Wednesday.


Bodies of two brothers aged five and seven who belong the Kavonokya sect that rejects medicine.They died from blood loss after circumcision.
DEADLY INITIATION: Bodies of two brothers aged five and seven who belong the Kavonokya sect that rejects medicine.They died from blood loss after circumcision.

Two women - a circumciser and a house owner - from Lundi in Mwingi East on Monday were charged with murder in the circumcision of two brothers who bled to death.

The boys belong to the Kavonokya sect that does not believe in the power of medicine, only prayer, so they did not receive medical care to stop the bleeding. They died as their parents and others prayed, sang and beat drums.

The boys, five and seven years of age, were circumcised a week ago, along with 10 other boys.


They assembled at a homestead in Lundi for the circumcision. The owner of the house was arrested.

The father will be arrested and charged with negligence after the boys' burial on Wednesday.

The sect has members mostly in Mwingi and parts of Kitui South in Kitui county. They believe prayer will heal them.

The two brothers, aged five and seven, were with eight other boys who assembled at the homestead in Lundi for the cut. The homeowner was arrested.

The circumciser was a 70-year-old woman who used a razor blade and strips of cloth to tie the boys' private parts to prevent excessive bleeding.

The names of the circumciser and homeowner were not disclosed.

The two brothers began bleeding profusely and three days after the circumcision they died from loss of blood as their parents watched and prayed.


Mutua Kithuka, the boys' father, said it was God's will to take the lives of his sons, as it is God who giveth and God who taketh away.

He said the family has never set foot in a hospital and everyone has been in perfect health, due to healing prayer. 

The bodies were taken to Mwingi Level 4 Hospital mortuary. They will be buried on Wednesday.

Area chief Paul Mwaniki strongly warned parents not to take their boys to traditional circumcisers because of health risks. He said the boys died of blood loss as their parents did not take them to hospital because of their beliefs.

Mwingi East subcounty police commander Joseph Yakan said the circumciser and house owner were charged with murder at the Kyuso law courts.

He said the boys' father recorded a statement at Ukasi police station. He will be arrested after the burial and charged with negligence that led to the deaths, he said.

The police boss urged Kavonokya sect members to take children below age 18 to the hospital for treatment as they are not old enough to make their own decisions, and might differ with their parents about religion.


(Edited by V. Graham)


Paul Mwaniki, the Mui chief, confirmed the deaths.
UNNECESSARY DEATHS: Paul Mwaniki, the Mui chief, confirmed the deaths.
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