Uhuru launches 100-bed UN Nairobi hospital

The facility with 15 ICU, 45 HDU and 40 ward beds is intended to reduce the burden of caring for UN Covid-19 patitents.

In Summary
  • Uhuru said when corona broke out he called the UN secretary general Antonio Guterres for help.
  • Guterres said the facility will augment the availability in Kenya of ventilators and other specialised equipment for Covid-19 intensive care.
President Uhuru Kenyatta tours the UN Nairobi hospital during the launch on November 13, 2020
LAUNCH: President Uhuru Kenyatta tours the UN Nairobi hospital during the launch on November 13, 2020

President Uhuru Kenyatta has lauded the United Nations for it's swift response in helping the country to tame the spread of Covid-19.

Speaking during the unveiling of United Nations Nairobi Hospital Treatment Facility, Uhuru said when corona broke out he called the UN secretary general Antonio Guterres for help.


"He responded swiftly and boldly," Uhuru said.

The 100-bed facility, with 15 ICU, 45 HDU and 40 ward beds is intended to reduce the burden of caring for Covid-positive UN personnel and partners.

Guterres said the facility will augment the availability in Kenya of ventilators and other specialised equipment for Covid-19 intensive care.

He lauded steps taken by the government to control the spread of Covid-19 in the country.

Guterres said the new hospital will help decongest some of the facilities.

"Let me begin by conveying my condolences to the families of all those who have lost loved ones to the COVID-19 pandemic and expressing my full solidarity with the government and people of Kenya," Guterres said.

He said the virus continues to spread around the world. "No country will be safe and healthy until all countries are safe and healthy," he said.


Guterres said that is why he has insisted that any vaccine and therapeutics developed for Covid-19 must be seen as a global public good, available and affordable for everyone everywhere.

In response to the pandemic, the United Nations has mobilized fully and advocated for affected countries and regions to receive the solidarity and support they need, he said.

"I thank President Kenyatta for being on the front lines in this effort and offering a gracious contribution so that UN personnel and partners can stay and deliver with the assurance of receiving advanced care should they fall seriously ill," he said.

Guterres said Nairobi holds a special place for the United Nations in Africa and the world. He said it is the home to a diverse set of United Nations system offices and operations, including the global headquarters of two UN programmes, numerous regional offices, a resident coordinator, a country team and the United Nations Office at Nairobi.

"The office is the only United Nations headquarters in Africa and it provides services to UN operations in more than 150 countries," he said.

Collectively, the activities of these Nairobi-based United Nations entities make significant contributions to advancing UN goals and values in Kenya, the region and around the world, he said.

"The importance of Kenya to the UN’s regional and global operations extends to its medical facilities. Kenya’s world-class hospitals make Nairobi our destination of choice for the emergency medical treatment of humanitarian, development and peacekeeping personnel and their families as well as our other partners in Africa," Guterres said.

Edited by Henry Makori

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