Mombasa Covid rules are punishment, say matatu owners

Fumigation costs Sh2,000 for buses, Sh1,500 for minibuses and Sh1,000 for 14-seaters.

In Summary

• The matatu owners say they are forced to pay for fumigation services that should be offered free of charge.

• The county has imposed fumigation fees of Sh2,000 for buses, Sh1,500 for minibuses and Sh1,000 for 14-seater matatus.

MOA Coast coordinator Salim Mbarak at GPO on Saturday.
UNFAIR: MOA Coast coordinator Salim Mbarak at GPO on Saturday.

Matatu owners in Mombasa have called for dialogue with the county government over ‘punitive’ anti-Covid-19 measures.

The owners say they are forced to pay for fumigation services that should be offered free of charge. The county has imposed fumigation fees of Sh2,000 for buses, Sh1,500 for minibuses and Sh1,000 for 14-seater matatus.

Matatu Owners Association Coast coordinator Salim Mbarak on Sunday said the fumigation charges that the county has slapped on matatu owners are too high.

“Why are we forced to pay for fumigation services while the county has fumigated streets and shops free of charge?” Mbarak asked.

The county last Monday ordered the more than 3,000 matatus to be fumigated and thermoguns be used to screen passengers ahead of the festive season.

Public health chief officer Pauline Oginga said all public service vehicles should acquire fumigation certificates before taking to the road.

She said fumigation should be done at the Tononoka ground under the supervision of public health officers.

Oginga said in a statement that all PSVs should also provide hand sanitiser for the passengers and all bus stops have handwashing stations.

“A multiagency team will carry out a random inspection to all vehicles and offices from December 9. Those who will be found flouting the rules will face the full force of the law,” Oginga said.

However, Mbarak said this is unfair because the county did not consult matatu stakeholders before issuing the directives.

He said using thermoguns in town service vehicles is impossible because of the short distances.

“No county in Kenya uses thermoguns for town service vehicles. Furthermore, one thermogun costs at least Sh3,000. This is putting too much pressure on matatu owners,” Mbarak said.

He noted that in Kilifi county, fumigation is done by the county free of charge.

“Why should we be made to pay for fumigation yet we pay the county Sh2,000 every month for parking,” Mbarak said.

He said matatu owners ensure their vehicles are washed twice a day and this should be sufficient to curb the spread of the Covid-19.



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