
Magufuli's last Covid speech - mask if you must but trust God

Rely on God, not masks. Masks not bad or banned but some carry Covid. Make your own or buy from MoH.


News18 March 2021 - 17:41

In Summary

  • In his last church rally on February 28, Magufuli did not rule out masks and said some are infectious - God comes first. He  recommended prayer, steam inhalation and herbal concoctions.
  • "Let’s not fear, one day we will all die. Even me I will die," he said.
Tanzania President John Pombe Magufuli in Mbeya.

Tanzanian President John Magufuli's last speech on the coronavirus on February 28.

We praise Jesus Christ,

Reverend Father, first, I wish the members of this parish a Happy New Year for I have not been here since the year started.

Secondly, Reverend Father, let me condole with you and your family for losing your beloved mother two weeks ago. May the Lord rest her soul in eternal peace.

My Christian brothers, we are in the period of Lent. As the father said, this is the first week of the period, and Lent has a long history. Let me thank the Reverend father for the good example he has shown, especially about the temptation from the devil that even faced our Lord Jesus Christ for 40 days. So if our Lord Jesus was tempted for 40 days, who are we? Me and you, before the devil? 

So I continue to encourage you, my Christian brothers, as well as other Tanzanians of other faiths, that God remains our refuge.

I have not said those who put on masks are bad. Even you, Father,  you came without a mask and you put it on when needful and now you have removed it. This brings a lot of faith.

My brothers, many countries have started to put on masks. You are witnesses through the media that those countries are the ones that have recorded huge number of deaths [from the virus]—many, in their thousands.

I have not said don’t put on masks and don’t misquote me. But there are some masks which are not good. This is the truth. Some masks will be brought to you which have problems.

I am your leader, I know a lot. I have to tell you the truth. If you want to wear a mask, use those made by the Ministry of Health. If you can’t afford those, then tailor make your own. Use even scarfs and fold them five times.

I’m pleading with you, my Christian brothers and Tanzanians, let us know that God exists and he is able to do all things.

Let’s not fear, one day we will all die. Even me I will die. According to the plan of God, I may die from coronavirus or from anything, and that is why you see me I have not put on a mask. Not that I don't fear dying.

I see my sister there has not put on a mask but her two colleagues have. 

The mother over there, she is a professor. She is learned. She even suffered from cancer and one of her breasts was removed, but God has sustained her till today. She is alive and she sings for Christ.

I’m not saying this because I’m very good, or so faithful, or that I’m no sinner. We will be saved by grace.

Economic wars are bad. And that is why I appreciate those who don their home-made masks. I see a woman with home-made Kitenge masks, congratulations mama. These ones we are buying from shops, we are killing our own selves. They will abuse me but I have the responsibility of saying the truth.

Which country has not had people dying due to corona? Thousands are dying. There is a country that once lost 3,000 people in a day and yet they are wearing masks, sometimes double.

For us, we take health cautions that are being announced. We put God first but we are looking for alternatives, including steaming-self.

Some of my aides have been sick. My children have been sick. My young ones have been sick and have recovered. It is putting God first, taking precautions but you should also not despise steaming.

There is a drug called mupigi, people have been treated, even hospitals have used it. There is Covido and other drugs that Tanzanians are using. I’m pleading with you, let's reject the fear of corona. We will overcome.

Have you seen my aides putting on masks? Do you know who slept at their homes? Do you know whom they have met at home?

If God decides, even without corona, you will go. Even with malaria, you will go. Even with cancer, you will go, even with a car accident you will go, even if you are just walking, you will go.

We will pass, and this corona will end. Last year, we sailed through until people were amazed. My colleague presidents were telling me ‘you guys are witches in Tanzania.’ But I said, the witch is God. We sailed through, some were slightly affected but we sailed through.

There’s likelihood we erred somewhere. There are people who went out of the country to be vaccinated and were given these diseases and those who will spread corona in this country are those who put on masks whose origin they don’t know.

A mask is supposed to work for four hours yet, a day has 48 hours, so in a day we should change masks 12 times. So ask yourself, how many people will afford to change masks 12 times within 48 hours? And we are 60 million people. Only the miracle of God  will help.

Let's listen to precautions from doctors, but we put God first. 

I plead with you church leaders, and leaders of other religion, including Muslim, Christians, adventists, Pentecostals, this is the time to be together in putting God first as we take precautions.

People will bring you masks with corona; you put them on so you get corona and infect other Tanzanians. Like the Prime Minister said yesterday, we have not banned wearing masks but let's be careful, and that's why you even saw the premier did not wear a mask yesterday.

The Vice President has not put on a mask. Not that they don't fear death; we all fear death but we must be careful in this disaster or we'll all perish.

My Christian brothers, during this Lent season we are fasting for 40 days. Me, I can't. No wonder I didn't manage to be a priest.

Soon there will also be fasting during the holy month of Ramadhan. We urge our Muslim brothers to pray for the nation, each at their own time.  But I  assure you that we will prevail because in God, nothing is impossible.

(Edited by V. Graham) 

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