Raila vouches for political stability to achieve economic growth

"It takes sound politics and Kenya needs it now more than ever" - Raila.

In Summary

•The former PM said Kenya must always strive to keep a balance between economic development, social and political stability and effective governance.

•Raila insisted that unity and stability are inevitable ingredients of economic development and any leader taking this for granted is lying about commitment to creating a prosperous nation.

ODM leader Raila Odinga
ODM leader Raila Odinga

ODM leader Raila Odinga has said Kenyans need to give more attention to the role of political unity and stability because it plays a vital role in growing an economy.

According to Raila, this should be included in the current political conversation whose focus is on economic growth and prosperity.

"We have tended to act as if we can stumble into economic growth and prosperity, however disjointed and unstable the country is and regardless of how we govern," he said.

He added, "Long-term stability, which results from effective and clean governance is a key plank for economic growth and job creation. Even the best economic plan will fail to create prosperity if government is ineffective, the country divided and political landscape shaky."

The former PM said Kenya must always strive to keep a balance between economic development, social and political stability and effective governance.

He noted that the 2007-2008 post-election violence was full of lessons because the instability scrapped all the gains the Narc government had made in five years placing Kenya on a slow growth trajectory.

Raila insisted that unity and stability are inevitable ingredients of economic development and any leader taking this for granted is lying about commitment to creating a prosperous nation.

"There can be no steady investment in factories for jobs without political stability," Raila said.

The ODM leader said that to build political stability and unity, Kenya and her people need to create an inclusive political process and non-violent competition for political power.

He added that leaders need to put the people and the nation’s interests before their own and those who thing about the future of the country.

Raila said the style of politics must change, in addition to creating a culture of political leadership that will create confidence in what the government promises.

"It takes sound politics and Kenya needs it now more than ever," he said.


Edited by CM

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