Lecturers fight to have public universities in all counties

University and Academic Staff Union has opposed the proposal to scrap the requirement to establish universities in each county.

In Summary

• Currently, there are 33 public universities and seven constituent colleges that are spread in 30 counties.

• Nairobi county house five public universities, Nyeri has three while Uasin Gishu, Tharaka Nithi and Kisii have two each.

Counties with and without public universities
Image: The Star

Public university lecturers have protested against a proposal to scrap a law that requires the government to construct an institution in each county.

This comes as part of the proposal to amend the Universities Act 2012 to block a plan by lawmakers to establish universities in each county.

Parliament passed the Universities Act in 2012, mandating that every county should have at least one public university. 

But the ministry now wants universities to be established only when deemed necessary.

“Delete Section 26 that requires each county to have a public university and replace with universities should be established according to need and viability,” the proposal reads.

It further reads, “the commission shall ensure accessibility of public universities by all counties, giving priority to viability and equitability in the distribution of public universities across the country.”

However, through the University Academic Staff Union, dons have disapproved the planned proposal and requested Parliament to retain the current provision.

Education CS George Magoha during release of the placement result of students joining universities and colleges on August 17, 2021.
Education CS George Magoha during release of the placement result of students joining universities and colleges on August 17, 2021.
Image: FILE

Secretary general, Constantine Wasonga, in a presentation to the Education Committee collecting the views of stakeholders on the proposed changes on October 28 noted the bill if passed to law will favour counties with established public universities.

If passed, the change will be a big win for CS George Magoha, who has previously expressed displeasure at the rush to open universities in the country.

Currently, there are 33 public universities and seven constituent colleges that are spread in 30 counties.

Nairobi county house five public universities, Nyeri has three while Uasin Gishu, Tharaka Nithi and Kisii have two each.

If effected, the proposal will disadvantage 17 counties yet to benefit from the establishment of a public university.

They are Kwale, Tana River, Lamu, Wajir, Mandera, Marsabit, Isiolo, Makueni, Nyandarua, West Pokot, Samburu, Trans Nzoia, Elgeyo Marakwet, Baringo, Kajiado, Busia and Nyamira.

Wasonga further noted that the proposal affects counties and should therefore be considered by the Senate in addition to the National Assembly.

They further oppose the proposal noting it could lead to the merge of learning institutions.

“The proposal will open the door to the merger of public universities in violation of pre-existing court orders,” the proposal reads.

Critics of the dons' proposal argue that retaining the provision will mean more human resource, further widening the demand for teaching staff.

"This is a selfish interest from lecturers because they know that the creation of new universities will lead to demand for more dons."

"This could hurt the institutions that are currently financially strapped," former Commission for University Education chief executive David Some told the Star on the phone.

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