You're lying to Kalonzo over State House, Ngilu tells Wiper brigade

The county boss says they using his name to win seats in the forthcoming 2022 polls

In Summary
  • Ngilu challenged them to contribute towards Kalonzo’s presidential win by going the extra mile by ensuring he commands solid support in his home turf.
  • However, some of the leaders urged Kalonzo to remain steadfast in his quest for the country’s top seat and not to waiver.
Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka consoles former Kitui governor Julius Malombe during funeral service for Malombe's wife, Edith Mawia in Kitui Central on Friday.
CONSOLATION Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka consoles former Kitui governor Julius Malombe during funeral service for Malombe's wife, Edith Mawia in Kitui Central on Friday.

Politics took centre stage during the funeral service of former Kitui governor Julius Malombe’s wife Edith Mawia at the Kitui Show Grounds.

Malombe’s predecessor Charity Ngilu differed with Wiper leaders and MPs over the party leader Kalonzo Musyoka’s 2022 presidential quest, saying they were not genuine in pushing him to seek the presidency.

Ngilu challenged them to contribute towards Kalonzo’s presidential win by going the extra mile by ensuring he commands solid support in his home turf.

The Wiper politicians, led by Kitui Senator Enoch Wambua, Kenya’s High Commissioner to Uganda Kiema Kilonzo and former Kitui Women representative Irene Kasalu have drummed support for Kalonzo’s bid.

The leaders urged Kalonzo to remain steadfast in his quest for the country’s top seat and not to waiver.

But Ngilu described the leaders as liars taking the former Vice President for a ride as they had not done enough to build a dependable voting bloc to give Kalonzo the muscle to win a presidential contest.

Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka and Kitui Governor Charity Ngilu during the funeral service for former Kitui governor Julius Malombe’s wife, Edith Mawia, at the Ithookwe Showground in Kitui Central on Friday.
POLITICS Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka and Kitui Governor Charity Ngilu during the funeral service for former Kitui governor Julius Malombe’s wife, Edith Mawia, at the Ithookwe Showground in Kitui Central on Friday.
Image: Musembi Nzengu

“SKM Kalonzo is not a fool. He knows the numbers count. He knows he wants to be in the national government and to be the fifth president of Kenya. What have you done to make him the next president of Kenya?” Ngilu said. 

The county boss added she was aware that her views were divergent to those of leaders aspiring to be governors, Senators, MPs and MCAs.

However, she said it was upon Kalonzo to be calculative enough to ensure that the Kambas were not once again locked out of  the national as is the case now.

“You need to call us to a round-table meeting where you should tell us this is how we are going to make it. You know very well that if I hold you by the hand, you are not going to miss a good seat (in the national government),”Ngilu said.

Ngilu is a known to be a staunch supporter of ODM leader Raila Odinga who last week announced his 2022 presidential aspirations at a mammoth meeting at Kasarani in Nairobi which she attended.

Wambua appeared to have provoked the ire of Ngilu when declared that it was an open secret that Kalonzo was poised to be the 5th president  in 2022.

He said presidential contestants like Raila and William Ruto who are promoting their presidential bids in Ukambani were wasting their time.

Ambassador Kilonzo supported Wambua’s sentiment that time was ripe for Kalonzo to be the president in 2022.

Others who echoed the sentiments were MPs Gidion Mulyungi (Mwingi Central), Paul Nzengu (Mwingi North) and Veth Nzenze (Kitui West).

Kalonzo side stepped the hot political issue and instead urged urged leaders to avoid squabbling build a unit of purpose among themselves ahead of the 2022 polls.

He said there was work to be done and for leaders from his home county, Kitui, as well as Makueni and Machakos counties  to ensure they avoid shaming each other.

After the funeral service, the final rite were carried out at Malombe’s home in Ithiani village in Changwithya west ward, Kitui central where the late Mawia’s remains were interred.


(edited by Amol Awuor)

Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka pays his lastrespects during the funeral service for former Kitui governor Julius Malombe’s wife Edith Mawia at the Ithookwe Showground in Kitui Central on Friday.
TRIBUTE Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka pays his lastrespects during the funeral service for former Kitui governor Julius Malombe’s wife Edith Mawia at the Ithookwe Showground in Kitui Central on Friday.
Image: Musembi Nzengu
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