
Raila arrives in Tononoka for Azimio rally

The presidential hopeful is accompanied by various leaders

News20 February 2022 - 15:51

In Summary

•The presidential hopeful is accompanied by various leaders, including Governor Joho.

•Shahbal on Wednesday said he was mandated by Raila to organize the rally.

Azimio la Umoja team led by Raila Odinga at Tononoka in Mombasa on February 20, 2022.

ODM leader Raila Odinga has arrived at Tononoka ground for the Azimio la Umoja rally.

The presidential hopeful is accompanied by various leaders, including Mombasa Governor and ODM deputy leader Hassan Joho.

The two rode in the same vehicle and were in a convoy of about 15 vehicles that snaked its way through the streets of Mombasa after a brief meeting at the Governor's official offices.

Although ODM chairman Mohamed 'Dee' Khamis on Friday warned against 'sibling' rivalry at the rally, it is expected there will be some sort of supremacy battles as various subplots will be playing out.

For instance, businessman Suleiman Shahbal supporters and those of Mvita MP Abdulswamad Nassir are expected to show off their strength in terms of the number of supporters they have.

Shahbal on Wednesday said he was mandated by Raila to organize the rally, a matter that was seemingly dismissed by other ODM leaders allied to Nassir on Friday.

"This is the real Azimio team," said Jomvu MP Badi Twalib at Tononoka, when they inspected the ground ahead of Sunday’s event.

The remarks seemed to be directed at Shahbal, who was conspicuously absent during the meetings both at the ODM Mombasa branch offices earlier and at the Tononoka ground.

The ODM leaders allied to Nassir said only the branch office is mandated to organize ODM functions in Mombasa County.

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