Two detained for robbing musician Sh1m chain

The suspects will be in detention for 10 days pending investigations

In Summary
  • The two will be detained at the Kibra police station and will be charged with robbery with violence. 
  • The duo will also face the charge of being in the country unlawfully. 
Mcben Otaigbe and Kevin Olotoyo at the Kibera court.
Mcben Otaigbe and Kevin Olotoyo at the Kibera court.

Two suspects whose nationality is yet to be determined were Tuesday detained for 10 days for violently robbing a musician of his chain worth Sh1 million.

Mcben Otaigbe and Kevin Olotoyo were detained after police constable Aaron Muema filed an affidavit before Kibera senior principal magistrate Phillip Mutua.

In the affidavit, Muema told the court that the respondents are suspected to have violently robbed a city musician who was going to shoot his video.

The suspected robbery happened along the busy Ngong Road.

“I need 10 days to investigate the offence of robbery with violence, assault and being unlawfully in the country,” Muema told the court.

He urged the court not to release the suspects on bond because they were in a position to interfere in the case.

“I pray that the issue of bond and cash bail to be determined upon presentation of the accused person on a date determined by the court and after the completion of the investigations.” 

Muema further said he was yet to document some details to ascertain the nationality of the suspects and record statements from other witnesses, among other things critical in the case.

The suspects in response did not object to their detention.

“I allow the investigations and I order that the suspects be detained ...pending the investigations,” the magistrate said. 


(edited by Amol Awuor)

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