Lobby group asks police not to use excess force on women, children

The Commission urged the police to follow the law while handling people.

In Summary

KNHCR CEO Bernard Mogesa said there are stipulated rules that state the amount of force a police officer should use.

Mogesa said the police should follow the stipulated laws and guidelines while handling people.

Kenya National Commission on Human Rights CEO Bernard Mogesa (right) speaks in Eldoret on December 9, 2021.
KNCHR Kenya National Commission on Human Rights CEO Bernard Mogesa (right) speaks in Eldoret on December 9, 2021.

State-backed human rights agency Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR) has cautioned the National Police Service against the use of excessive force.

The commission said the police should follow the stipulated laws and guidelines while handling women, children and people living with disabilities.

In a statement on Wednesday, KNHCR CEO Bernard Mogesa said there are stipulated rules that state the amount of force a police officer should use.

“Iko sheria ambayo inapatia polisi kiwango ambacho wanaweza kutumia force. Kisheria polisi wanaruhusiwa kutumia excessive force,” Mogesa said.

Loosely translated to: "There is a law that guides the police on the amount of force they can use; the police are legally allowed to use excess force".                                                                   

“Jambo la muhimu ni kwamba, vitengo vya usalama lazima vifanye kazi yao kwa kuzingatia sheria jinsi imeandikwa. Kwa mfano, lazima wazingatie maslahi ya watoto,akina mama na walemavu."

Loosely translated to: “The most important thing is that the National Police Service opt to follow the law while in service. For instance, it is a must they handle children, women and the people living with disabilities with caution".                                                                 

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