Havi fires back at ANC over comments on Mudavadi

"We have established ourselves in Westlands Constituency by ourselves."

In Summary

•This is after the party attacked Havi for describing the ANC leader Musalia Mudavadi as a "very slow" and indecisive politician.

•ANC in a statement claimed Havi is bitter because Mudavadi supported his candidate Sylvia Mulama for the MP seat.

UDA candidate for Westlands MP Nelson Havi during an interview with the Star at his office in Westllands, Nairobi, on June 15, 2022
UDA candidate for Westlands MP Nelson Havi during an interview with the Star at his office in Westllands, Nairobi, on June 15, 2022

UDA candidate for Westlands MP seat Nelson Havi has told off the ANC party for saying they made him popular in the constituency.

This is after the party attacked Havi for describing ANC leader Musalia Mudavadi as a "very slow" and indecisive politician.

ANC in a statement claimed Havi is bitter because Mudavadi supported his candidate Sylvia Mulama for the MP seat.

"We made his name in Westlands. He has been using our structures to campaign in Westlands. Party Leader has every right to stand behind @HonSylviaMulama because she has displayed hard work and is embraced by the people of Westlands who are the ANC majority voting block," ANC tweeted.

"Only an ingrate can put across such remarks, particularly to a father figure and statesman like @MusaliaMudavadi."

Havi, however, has trashed the ANC party's claims terming them as untrue.

"We have established ourselves in Westlands Constituency by ourselves, through our party UDA and not ANC. “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.” ~ Abraham Lincoln,"he said.

The UDA candidate further divulged that ANC leaders in the constituency are campaigning for the incumbent MP Tim Wanyonyi who is vying on an ODM party ticket.

UDA and ANC parties are members of the Kenya Kwanza Alliance and they would ordinarily be expected to work together and support each other ahead of the August polls.

ODM's Wanyonyi is the Azimio La Umoja One Kenya Alliance candidate in the constituency.

Havi further singled out Sylvia claiming she has links to the Azimio faction.

"Your candidate is a known ODM/Azimio project. How else would ANC, which is a member of the Kenya Kwanza Coalition justify its MCA and MP candidates in Westlands Constituency campaigning every day/-- with and/or on the same platform with ODM/Azimio candidates?" Havi asked ANC in a tweet on Tuesday.

In the video shared by Havi, the ANC candidate had attended a church function with MP Wanyonyi.

During the church function, calls were made to Sylvia to step down in favour of Wanyonyi with a promise that she will be handed a job in the Azimio government.

"Honourable Sylvia, this is the administration of Baba and Martha. We will give you a job in the government. Please pave way for Tim to finish his work," a man identified as Alfred said.

It is in that backdrop that Havi said the ANC candidate could be working with the Azimio team.

Havi and Mulama being the Kenya Kwanza candidates in the Westlands constituency risk splitting votes in favour of rivals.

Havi being a popular figure in the country owing to his record in the legal sector has been billed as the most fierce rival of MP Wanyonyi.

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