Azimio presidential candidate Raila Odinga will tour Kakamega county on Friday and Saturday to sell his agenda.
He will make several stops in various constituencies before holding the mejor rally at Bukhungu stadium on Saturday.
An itinerary released by Kakamega county ODM secretary Geoffrey Mitalo shows that the former prime minister will address gatherings at in Likuyani, Lugari, Malala and Shinyalu constituencies on Friday.
He will later in the day visit Matunda Market in Likuyani, Chenjeni grounds in Lugari, Malava primary school and Ikoli Market - Malava and Ivihiga Market and Shidodo - Shinyalu.
On Saturday, the Azimio boss will address supporters at Khaimba primary school in Mumias East constituency, Bushili market Navakholo and end his two-day tour with a rally at Bukhungu Stadium.
During Raila's last tour of Western Kenya a month ago, he pitched camp in Vihiga, Busia, Bungoma and Trans-Nzoia counties but skipped Kakamega.
The visit by the ODM leader come after a week-long advance campaigns by the Azimio Western brigade under the command of Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya to prepare the ground.
Raila is seeking to consolidate his support in the region which has been supporting him for the last three elections.
The Western Kenya visit comes immediately after Raila on Thursday wound up his week-long tour of Mt Kenya region.
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