
Diaspora in UK put Uhuru on notice over attacks to Ruto

They called Kenyans to reject the Azimio Coalition, which they labelled a political project of Uhuru.


News01 August 2022 - 12:56

In Summary

  • •The diaspora claimed that the Kenya Kwanza coalition is the best suited vehicle that captures the hopes and aspiration of the Kenyan communities in their diverseness.
  • •They called upon Kenyans to reject the Azimio Coalition which they referred to as the political project of the outgoing president.
President Uhuru Kenyatta

A group of Kenyans in the Diaspora have condemned what they term as threats being issues by President Uhuru Kenyatta towards Kenya Kwanza candidates .

Through their chairman Sebastian Onyango, they have claimed that the recent remarks made by Uhuru show how he has openly disregarded his role as a symbol of national unity

“We recognise the gravity of the issues that have been raised by both sides of the political divide and in particular are concerned by the behaviour of the sitting president who has openly disregarded his role as a symbol of national unity and instead become partisan,’ reads the statement.

The tussle between the President and his deputy over 2022 succession politics has continued to unfold publicly, rocking back and forth with verbal attacks between the two.

On Sunday, Uhuru said he  had  no intention of killing his deputy or other leaders making such claims.  

He  stated that for the last three years Ruto and allies have been on a spree to mudsling and insult him while he remained silent.

The President insisted that the opportune time for him to ‘act’ was then and now that he is on his final days to complete his two five-year constitutional term, that is not his agenda.

Ruto had  accused the President of threatening him and his allies in the Kenya Kwanza brigade telling him to bring it on as he is not scared.

“As long as you don’t kill my children, I am ready to face you in this election with your project,” he said.

In regards to that, they have put President Uhuru on notice that if anything happens to any Kenyan, more so candidates belonging to the Deputy President William Ruto led Kenya Kwanza coalition, they shall hold him responsible.

Going further, the diaspora in the UK bashed the decision by some state officials to be partisan and to use state resources in support of a particular candidate.

“We condemn the increasing tendency of some state officials to dabble in politics and demand that they must not use public resources for the benefit of one candidate or for any partisan purposes including security agencies,” read the statement further.

Throwing their support behind DP Ruto, the diaspora claimed that the Kenya Kwanza coalition is the best suited vehicle that captures the hopes and aspiration of the Kenyan communities in their diverseness.

They stated however, that the Azimio la Umoja coalition itself is a tool for use by the outgoing president to rule by proxy and to undermine freedom of choice by Kenyans.

Therefore, they called upon Kenyans to reject the Azimio Coalition which they referred to as the political project of the outgoing president.

“We totally reject Azimio La Umoja project intended to prolong the presidency of Uhuru Kenyatta and call on all Kenyan voters to unite and use the ballot to ensure that the Azimio project does not see the light of day,” reads the statement .

They reaffirmed that the supremacy and the sovereignty of the people of Kenya and their right to self-determination and representation included the right to form a government of their own choice without undue manipulation and influence by those in charge of state and government instruments.

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