Persons living with disability have filed a petition seeking to be enjoined in the presidential petition as interested parties.
They claim in their application that majority of them were not able to vote on August 9.
Through Lawyer Danstan Omari, chairperson of the Inua Mlemavu Organisation, Michael Makarena, said the elections were unfairly conducted by virtue of the exclusion of persons living with disability who were unable to access various polling stations.
"It is clearly evident that the impugned general election conducted on August 9 was not free and fair to all as persons who are physically challenged were not able to access the polling stations to exercise their right to vote due to lack of proper facility."
Makarena who wants to be enjoined in presidential petition filed by the Azimio la Umoja coalition also claims that the IEBC did not have assign sign language interpreters in polling places to aid persons with disability or individuals with hearing impairment.
He says that they raised these concerns with the commission but they were not addressed leading to the disenfranchisement of many persons living with disability.
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