Nairobi Deputy Governor Njoroge Muchiri has revealed that skills and knowledge acquired by the seconded staff under NMS will be used to enhance city hall's capacity.
Speaking on Friday, he said the skills earned will be a valuable addition as the transition process kicks off.
"Through the implementation of the transferred functions, the county personnel, acquired knowledge and skill enhancing our capacity. This is a valuable addition as we transfer back these skill sets," Muchiri noted.
He was speaking on Friday during a meeting held between the County Government of Nairobi and the Nairobi Metropolitan Services.
Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja hailed NMS for having exemplary service delivery to the residents in its two-year tenure.
“NMS has had exemplary service delivery and great impact on all residents of Nairobi, during the transition we shall work as a team upholding the principle of public office for continued and efficient service to the people," he stated.
On his side, NMS Director General Lt Mohammed Badi highlighted that officers from his led entity will be available to assist Sakaja during the process.
"Directors and all officers from NMS will be available to brief and update you in their respective sectors including site visits during this transition period," he added.
The assumption of office of the Governor formed a committee to oversee the transition.
Through Executive Order No. 3 of 2020, the functions included county health services, transport, public works, utilities and ancillary services, and county planning and development.
The signing of the Deed of Transfer left City Hall in control of less influential departments such as ICT and E-Government, Education and Sports, Agriculture and Livestock, Trade and Co-operatives and Devolution, Environment and Finance sectors.
President Uhuru Kenyatta on March 17, 2021, established the NMS and appointed Mohammed Badi as its Director General.
The Deed of Transfer gave NMS the mandate to oversee the functions for a renewable period of 24 months from the date of establishment.
However, NMS tenure was extended to August 9, 2022, and was added another three months extension in the deed of transfer, to allow for transition once a governor is elected.
"Further to article 9.1 of the deed of transfer, the duration of the transferred functions is hereby extended by a further period of six months from 25 February 2022 to 24 August 2022," reads a gazette notice.
According to the notice by Nairobi County Secretary Jairus Musumba, there will also be a three-month handover period to ensure continuous service delivery.
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