2 night guards brutally murdered by thugs in Athi River

Police say two night guards were killed by thugs, while two others sustained injuries.

In Summary

•The multi-agency team drawn from the National Police Service and Directorate of Criminal Investigations spent the better part of Wednesday processing the scene in the quest to trace and arrest the unknown assailants.

•They included sleuths from the DCI’s Forensic Special Crime, Photographic Analysis and Cyber Crime units.

Athi River South Sub - county police commander Mary Njoki addressing the press at a hotel in Athi River, Machakos County on Wednesday, September 7, 2022.
Athi River South Sub - county police commander Mary Njoki addressing the press at a hotel in Athi River, Machakos County on Wednesday, September 7, 2022.

Police are investigating an incident where two-night guards were brutally murdered and two others injured by thugs in Athi River, Machakos County.

The duo, according to police, were aged 26 and 30 years respectively.

The multi-agency team drawn from the National Police Service and Directorate of Criminal Investigations spent the better part of Wednesday processing the scene in the quest to trace and arrest the unknown assailants.

They included sleuths from the DCI’s Forensic Special Crime, Photographic Analysis and Cyber Crime units.

The experts from the DCI Headquarters were joined by their Athi River counterparts under Athi River South Sub-county police commander Mary Njoki’s command.

The incident happened at a local bar and restaurant located along Namanga Road next to Shalom Community Hospital, Athi River branch, a few metres from the Nairobi – Namanga road interchange in the wee hours of Wednesday morning.

Njoki said the incident was reported to Athi River police station as a fatal robbery incident.

She said the suspects reportedly fled the scene through the restaurant’s fence.

They managed to escape with goods of unknown value that including electronics and alcohol.

“This is to confirm an incident of a robbery that occurred at an unknown time in Namanga road at a restaurant along the interchange area. The robbers who gained entry into the restaurant managed to kill two guards who were guarding the premises,” Njoki said.

Part of the fence which thugs reportedly scaled while fleeing from a crime scene at a hotel in Athi River, Machakos County on Wednesday, September 7, 2022.
Part of the fence which thugs reportedly scaled while fleeing from a crime scene at a hotel in Athi River, Machakos County on Wednesday, September 7, 2022.

She addressed reporters shortly after the experts completed processing the scene at the restaurant on Wednesday.

The detectives dusted the scene for over three hours. They also obtained CCTV footage from the restaurant for image analysis as part of investigations to help bring the culprits to book.

Njoki said two other guards were injured during the incident and had been admitted to a hospital within her jurisdiction where they were receiving medication under stable condition. All four guards are attached to Andrew Muma Security Ltd.

She said all the four-night guards were on duty manning the eatery establishment when they were attacked.

Their attackers are said to have used crude weapons to commit the crime.

“The two injured have been taken to hospital where they are recuperating in stable condition, while bodies of the two who were fatally injured moved to Shalom Community Hospital’s mortuary awaiting postmortem and identification,” Njoki said.

“We have already launched investigations and also engaged experts from various police units who will help us unravel more about the incident.” 

The police boss called on members of the public who might be having information on the incident to volunteer to the police.

She warned that as police, they were vigilant to ensure the public together with their property were always protected in 24/07.

“I’m issuing a stern warning to those terrorizing members of the public in this area that we are out and we shall go for them. We are also warning them to restrain from terrorizing innocent members of the public.  They should instead engage in working hard for a livelihood instead of going for innocent lives,” Njoki said.

Njoki exuded confidence that they will smoke the suspects from their hideouts and ensure justice is served to the victim’s families.

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