
Kinoti resigns as DCI boss as Mutyambai proceeds on terminal leave

Ruto said they will get someone to act in the place of Kinoti.


News27 September 2022 - 13:35

In Summary

  • •"I have transmitted the same to the National Police Service to proceed with advertising that position," Ruto said.
A file photo of the Director of Criminal Investigations George Kinoti.

President William Ruto has announced that Director of criminal investigations George Kinoti has called it quits.

Ruto said he received the resignation of the director general of CID Kinoti.

“The commission will get someone to act in that position for now as we wait for the other processes to fill the position,” Ruto said.

Kinoti was on receiving end from Ruto and his team during the campaign period.

He fell out with Ruto for long.

Among those likely to succeed him include Eliud Langat, Munga Nyale, Wanderi Mwangi and Nicholas Kamwende.

During the unveiling of his cabinet, the President also announced that  Inspector General of Police Hillary Mutyambai has proceeded on terminal leave.

Mutyambai had six months left before retiring.

"After discussing with Mutyambai, I  have accepted his terminal leave," Ruto said.

"I have transmitted the same to the National Police Service to proceed with advertising that position," Ruto said.

He said he will propose a new name to Parliament as the IG for approval. 

And he revealed through the microphone that the commandant of Kiganjo police college Japheth Koome will be the candidate. 

“What is the name of that Koome guy? Where is he,” he was caught asking outgoing head of public service Joseph Kinyua. 

Koome is a career police officer who has risen the ranks to reach Senior Assistant Inspector General of police.

He served as Officer Commanding Police Officer at Central police in Nairobi and regional commander for Nairobi. 

Koome was later moved to police headquarters to serve as principal deputy of deputy inspector general of police Edward Mbugua. 

Mutyambai fell sick on August 26, 2022 after he collapsed in his house in Karen. 

Mutyambai’s sickness prompted him to nominate his deputy Noor Gabow to act as the police boss.

Mutyambai said August 26 he will be away from office attending to a medical checkup.

“This is to inform the general public that I will be away from office attending to a medical checkup effective today, 26th August 2022.”

“In my absence, Mr. Noor Gabow, the Deputy Inspector General - Administration Police Service, will act as the Inspector General of the National Police Service until my return,” he said.

The IG exercises independent command of the service. He may perform functions or exercise the powers in person or may delegate to any police officer junior to him.

In cases where the IG is suspended from office or incapable of performance of his functions, the President may appoint another person to perform the duties for up to three months.

It is not the first time under his term for Mutyambai to delegate his mandate for medical reasons.

When he fell sick in 2020, he delegated the functions to the DIG Kenya Police Edward Mbugua.

Mutyambai came to office in 2019 on a single four year term. His term is supposed to end next year April. 

He is lucky to have come to office when crime came down out of Covid-19 pandemic related complications in the world. 

He was picked from the National Intelligence Service where he was managing terrorism.

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