EACC freezes Sh88m assets owned by ex-Machakos CEC member

The Court ruled that the suit was unopposed, granting EACC its prayers.

In Summary

•The suit is for the recovery of Sh91,202,892, which the CEC member is accused of acquiring  when he was the Chairperson of the Machakos County Tender Committee.

•EACC said during the time, the member traded with the County through several companies owned or associated with him.

EACC freezes property belonging to former Machakos County CEC member.
EACC freezes property belonging to former Machakos County CEC member.
Image: EACC

EACC has obtained orders from the High Court freezing assets worth Sh88,807,473.67, alleged to have been fraudulently acquired from the County Government of Machakos.

The assets, allegedly acquired by a former CEC member for Agriculture, Food security and Cooperative Development, were frozen pending hearing and determination of a recovery suit filed on May 12,2022.

The suit is for the recovery of Sh91,202,892, which the CEC member is accused of acquiring  when he was the Chairperson of the Machakos County Tender Committee.

EACC said during the time, the member traded with the County through several companies owned or associated with him.

EACC freezes property belonging to former Machakos County CEC member.
EACC freezes property belonging to former Machakos County CEC member.
Image: EACC

"This recovery suit in court arises from an investigation into allegation of conflict of interest and unexplained wealth against Musyoka," EACC through Head of Corporate Affairs and Communication Eric Ngumbi said.

During the investigations, the anti-graft body established that between 2013 and 2015, being the Chairperson of the defunct Tender Committee for the County Government of Machakos, the CEC member awarded tenders to the companies.

It also found out that he was the sole mandatory signatory of the bank accounts used by the companies he used to trade with the County Government.

On Tuesday, the Court ruled that the suit was unopposed, granting EACC its prayers.

"It is hereby ordered that an order of injunction be and is hereby issued by restraining the respondents, his agents, servants, and/or any other person from selling, transferring, charging, leasing, developing or in any other away dealing with funds held in the following bank accounts pending determination and hearing of this suit," Lady Justice E N Maina ruled.

The court also gave orders freezing residential buildings .

The case will be mentioned on November 3.

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