Three sand harvesters die in Machakos after soil collapses

Two died on the spot while one was pronounced dead on arrival at Machakos Level 5 Hospital.

In Summary

• They were identified by residents as Musyoka Nzilani, 19, Mutinda Makau, 32, while the third was only known as Masaku aka Kapee, 40.

The excavation wall which collapsed leading to deaths of three sand harvesters at Kithatani village in Mvuti, Machakos county on Thursday, October 13, 2022.
The excavation wall which collapsed leading to deaths of three sand harvesters at Kithatani village in Mvuti, Machakos county on Thursday, October 13, 2022.

Three people have died while harvesting sand in Machakos county.

The trio died after a deep excavation wall of a quarry they were harvesting sand collapsed at Kithatani village in Kivandini, Mvuti location of Machakos subcounty on Thursday.

Machakos subcounty police commander Moss Ndhiwa said two of the victims died on the spot while the other was pronounced dead on arrival at Machakos Level 5 Hospital.

"The three were harvesting sand in a deep excavation when its wall collapsed and buried them alive. Two died on the spot while another succumbed at Machakos Level 5 Hospital," Ndhiwa said.

They were identified by residents as Musyoka Nzilani, 19, Mutinda Makau, 32, while the third was only known as Masaku aka Kapee, 40.

Nzilani and Makau hail from Kitulu area while Kapee is said to be a resident of Kathiani subcounty.

Ndhiwa warned the residents against engaging in risky activities stating that they were dangerous.

"I want to warn Machakos residents against harvesting sand in such dangerous excavations. No one should endanger his or her life in the name of hustling for livelihoods. We have just lost lives of three people. This is unacceptable, we won't allow more such incidences to recur," Ndhiwa said.

Police removed the bodies to Machakos Level 5 Hospital mortuary after residents helped in their retrieval.

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