Cabinet Secretary nominee for the Environment and Forestry, Roselinda Soipan Tuya as revealed her net worth is Sh156 million.
She told the National Assembly on Wednesday that her net worth largely comprises of immovables assets such as houses.
"I have three homes, one in Nairobi, Narok and my village and vehicles. I have apartments in Narok and one in Nairobi. Two plots of land in Kitengela and also a dairy business ," Tuya disclosed.
She also says shares from the parliamentary cooperative society make up part of her net worth.
"At the moment I anticipate to get my gratuity from parliament after serving for two terms as well as pension," Tuya added.
Tuya spoke when he appeared before the National Assembly Committee on Appointments for vetting.
If approved , she will become the first Maasai woman to be seat in the Cabinet.