
Veteran TV news anchor Catherine Kasavuli is dead

She died at age 60, after battling with cancer.

by The Star

News30 December 2022 - 08:01

In Summary

•She  had taken a four-month break and returned to her Instagram in October.

•Before retiring in 2015, she was one of the first anchors to host a live television program for a privately held TV station in the 1990s.

Veteran Newscaster Catherine Kasavuli

Veteran TV news anchor Catherine Kasavuli has passed away.

 She died aged 60 at the Kenyatta National Hospital on Thursday night, after battling with cancer.

Her employer, KBC confirmed the death.

"Legendary broadcaster, Catherine Kasavuli, has died. She passed away on Thursday night at KNH where she was receiving treatment," KBC announced on Friday.

Kasavuli had been admitted at the facility since October 26. A colleague at KBC had then informed Kenyans of her situation.

She had recently returned on TV after KBC hired her among veterans to revamp the media house.

Kasavuli had taken a four-month break and returned to her Instagram in October.

In November, colleagues and friends in the media industry mobilised people to donate blood for urgent transfusion after she was admitted at KNH.

Kasavuli's employer KBC appealed for blood donation as she is admitted to Kenyatta hospital's Private wing. 

Cervical cancer affects the neck of the womb and it is the growth of abnormal cells in the lining of the cervix.

Worldwide, the disease is ranked as the fourth most frequently diagnosed cancer and the fourth leading cause of cancer death in women.

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