We'll work with Ruto, Vihiga leaders say after meeting Mudavadi

The PCS urged leaders to come up with solution-based approaches to the challenges facing their people.

In Summary

• The leaders said they would look beyond their political affiliations by working with the Kenya Kwanza administration for the benefit of people they represent.

• “We will demonstrate that your home county is ready to support you, walk with you and work with you.”

Prime CS Musalia Mudavadi with Vihiga Governor Wilbur Otichilo and other county leaders at his Mululu home.
Prime CS Musalia Mudavadi with Vihiga Governor Wilbur Otichilo and other county leaders at his Mululu home.
Image: PCSPS

The Vihiga County leadership led by Governor Wilber Otichilo has resolved to work with President William Ruto's government.

The resolution followed a meeting with Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi where they vowed to work with the national government to realise development goals for their county.


The leaders said they would look beyond their political affiliations by working with the Kenya Kwanza administration for the benefit of people they represent.

“We have agreed that time for politicking is over. We have resolved to rally together behind the leadership of Hon Musalia Mudavadi and work closely with government with our key agenda being getting development and services to our people,” Governor Otichilo said.

“We will demonstrate that your home county is ready to support you, walk with you and work with you.”

Other leaders present at the consultative meeting held at Mudavadi's Mululu home were Vihiga deputy governor Wilberforce Kitiezo, the Speaker of the County Assembly Chris Omulele and all the 36 Members of the County Assembly.

The leaders presented a memorandum to the Prime CS through speaker Omulele where they highlighted key infrastructural areas including road networks that should be considered for tarmacking.

They also pointed out on the need for the establishment of a mini hydropower station at Kaimosi and inclusion of their county in the last mile connectivity project.

Prime CS Musalia Mudavadi with Vihiga Governor Wilbur Otichilo and other county leaders at his Mululu home.
Prime CS Musalia Mudavadi with Vihiga Governor Wilbur Otichilo and other county leaders at his Mululu home.
Image: PCSPS

“We as a county assembly we have resolved to focus on what will benefit our people and that is what most our legislations will be based on,” the County Assembly Speaker said.

The MCAs in their memorandum also lobbied for subsidized fertilizer and upgrading of the Agricultural Training Institute in Mwitoko.

They also listed the education sector, health, housing, water and businesses as areas that also need close collaboration with the National Government.

Mudavadi on his part rallied the leadership of Vihiga county to come up with solution-based approaches to the challenges facing their people.

“We have to start thinking and acting strategically, cohesively and pragmatically. The people voted for us to give solutions and as leaders it is our responsibility to identify the challenges, collaborate and cooperate and find solutions to those challenges," he said.

He challenged the MCAs and their leadership to reflect on where they want to place their county on the map of Kenya in terms of development projects, education, agriculture, security and tackling climate change.

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