President Ruto to open post-election conference in Mombasa

The event takes place at the beginning of the term of every Parliament.

In Summary
  • It is jointly co-hosted by the leadership of the National Assembly and the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA).
  • President Ruto will deliver the keynote address and officially open the seminar on Monday.
President William Ruto speaks during the launch of the affordable housing project in Shauri Moyo, Nairobi.
President William Ruto speaks during the launch of the affordable housing project in Shauri Moyo, Nairobi.

President William Ruto will on Monday headline a four-day post-election seminar for members of the National Assembly.

The event whose theme is equipping the 21st legislator for effective service delivery will be held at the Pride Inn Paradise Beach Resort, Convention Centre and Spa, in Mombasa County.

It is jointly co-hosted by the leadership of the National Assembly and the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA).

As per practice within the Commonwealth parliaments, the event takes place at the beginning of the term of every Parliament.

The forum comes hot on the heels of a week-long House Committees’ Induction that came to a close on Saturday.

In an earlier Communication to the Members regarding the seminar, National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula said the conference is aimed at building the capacity of members of the 13th parliament in all aspects of good parliamentary practice as well as promoting our national values and ideals of parliamentary democracy.

“We have invited our partners, the United States of America’s National Democratic Institute (NDI) and the International Republican Institute (IRI), with a view to benefiting from best practices in the US congress, particularly on matters touching on bicameralism and multiparty democracy,” Wetangula said.

“Most importantly, the sessions will provide members with a window to gain a better understanding of parliamentary systems and processes in established jurisdictions such as the United Kingdom and the United States among others."

Wetangula said during the four-day conference, members of the national assembly will be afforded an opportunity to hear and interact with speakers from sister parliaments within the East African Community and the larger continent of Africa.

“The Seminar will also provide a platform for members to discuss and engage with players from the other arms of government and experts on the area of democratic governance,” he said.

President Ruto will deliver the keynote address and officially open the seminar on Monday.

Ruto will be followed by Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi who will give a presentation on the role of the Office of the Prime Cabinet Secretary visa-a-visa linkage between Parliament and the Executive.

In the new Executive Order 2023, the Prime Cabinet Secretary Chairs and co-ordinates National Government legislative agenda across all ministries and state departments in consultation with and for transmission to the Party/Coalition Leaders in Parliament.

In quick succession, Secretary General of Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) Stephen Twigg, will follow suit and give a presentation on the legislature in the 21st century having served as United Kingdom Parliamentarian.

Former Member of Parliament Australia House of Representatives Kevin Andrews,  as well Sylvia Lucas, Deputy Chairperson, National Council of Provinces (NCOP), South Africa will each give a presentation on Opportunities and Challenges for New and Returning Members.

On the second day, Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Sharrif Nassir is lined up to give a presentation on the Role of Select Committees in Parliamentary oversight.

Abdulswamad is a former Mvita legislator and immediate former chairperson of the national assembly’s Public Investment committee.

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