
Police officer loses gun, gas cylinder after being stupefied

The incident happened in Milimani Estate near the Kenya-Uganda border


News19 February 2023 - 11:26

In Summary

  • The officer’s house is approximately 300 meters from the Kenya-Uganda border.
  • A K9 tracking dog, according to the police report, was taken to the scene. The dog picked some scent that led it to a path heading to Uganda.
The Czeska Pistol serial No.F8457 had 15 rounds of ammunition by the time it was lost.

Suspected burglars raided houses belonging to police officers in Busia and stole a firearm, gas cylinder, and two radios.

The incident happened in Milimani Estate near the Kenya-Uganda border.

It is suspected one of the victims was stupefied through a spray before he was robbed.

The Police officer had retired to his house at around 9:30 pm on Saturday. He woke up on Sunday morning and found his room in disorder.

"He woke up with a headache and was feeling dizzy only to realise his suitcase kept near his bed lying on the floor with the clothes scattered all over," police said.

He later noticed that his firearm, a Czeska pistol, together with 15 rounds of ammunition were missing from his suitcase.

He then alerted police units within the county who arrived at the scene and established that the burglars broke into the house through the rear door after spraying the room with a stupefying drug.

Police said the unknown persons also broke into another servant quarter belonging to another officer who was not in the house by then.

A six kg gas cylinder and a radio were stolen from the main house and another radio from the servant quarters.

A search was conducted at the scene in vain. A police dog was brought to the scene and picked some scent which lead it to a feeder road heading to Uganda but disappeared before the borderline.

Police who attended the scene said no recovery was made but efforts to get the suspects are ongoing.

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