Tight security at JKIA ahead of Jill Biden's arrival

US Embassy staff went through the same procedure.

In Summary
  • Journalists covering her arrival were taken through two security checks by the airport staff and then a final one by the Secret Service.
  • The media was required to be  at the airport at 1pm for clearance, some two hours before the First Lady's scheduled arrival.
Terminal 2 at JKIA.
Terminal 2 at JKIA.
Image: FILE

Security is tight at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) ahead of US First Lady Jill Biden's arrival into the country.

Journalists covering her arrival were taken through two security checks by the airport staff and then a final one by the Secret Service.

The media was required to be  at the airport at 1pm for clearance, some two hours before the First Lady's scheduled arrival.

Kenya Airport Authority staff at Terminal 2 were not spared the security screening by the Secret Service.

US Embassy staff went through the same procedure.

Valid press credentials, copy of the national ID or passport and Media Council of Kenya card were required to gain access.

All equipement and personal belongings were scanned.

Two sniffer dogs also searched for drugs and explosives.

The US First Lady is making her first visit to Africa as U.S. first lady.

Biden will focus on women’s empowerment, children’s issues and food insecurity that has ravaged parts of the continent.

In addition to focusing on women and children, she will draw attention to the dire food insecurity in the region.

US President Joe Biden highlighted the situation in December when he announced a large humanitarian aid package at a summit that brought African leaders to Washington.

In Kenya, Jill Biden will meet and engage with those affected by drought and facing food insecurity.

First Lady Rachel Ruto said her American counterpart‘s three-day visit to the country "will see her focus more on strengthening ties between the two nations, especially championing women's economic empowerment projects such as table banking".

Jill Biden is visiting Kenya from Friday, February 24 to Sunday, 26 February 2023, to strengthen America’s partnerships with Kenya and the African continent,.

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