A video has emerged in which the late American civil rights activist Dick Gregory revealed that Malcolm X was assassinated because of Pio Gama Pinto.
In the video posted on TikTok, Gregory, who died in August 2017 in Washington D.C, said that Malcolm was being mentored by Pinto when he was shot dead in Manhattan, New York City on February 21, 1965.
"Malcolm was killed because of another brother named Pinto. A lot of people thought that he was African but he was East Indian, he was born in Nairobi," Gregory said.
Pinto was a Kenyan journalist, politician and freedom fighter who dedicated his life to the liberation of the Kenyan people post-independence particularly in the recovery of African land from White settlers.
He was assassinated on February 24, 1965 in the driveway of his home in Westlands as he waited for the gate to open, just three days after Malcolm was gunned down.
Pinto was in the car with his daughter who he was taking to school when a lone gunman walked over and shot him at close range.
Gregory said Pinto wanted to change Malcom's ideology from Black Nationalist to Pan Africanist and bring black people's plight to America "and the government said we can't let this happen".
"He is the one that persuaded Malcolm when he went to African states in seven weeks and met with the real leaders and then he's the one that discussed with Malcolm bringing racism to the doorstep of the US," Gregory said.
"And as Malcom was being shot dead in New York City, Pinto was being shot dead in Nairobi," he said with affirmation.
"Same time! Same time! So don't tell me about no Black movements."
The activist who also doubled up as a comedian and vegetarian activist said he knew that Malcolm was going to be assassinated and refused to accompany him to New York.
He said Malcolm called him at work on the fateful Sunday that he died and asked him to attend his address to the Organization of Afro-American Unity at the Audubon Ballroom in Washington.
"I said Malcolm, I love you. I love you so much I don't even want to take the chance to be there. He said what do you mean brother Greg, I said well, I close tonight at Basement Street East and I said I had my wife book me a flight into Chicago at 8 o'clock this morning and I'm going to Chicago."
He went on: "And I'm going to Chicago and I had a way beneath my salary book me into a college about ten miles from the airport and I'm going to speak there this afternoon and I'm going to stay there until they tell me you are dead."
Gregory said he refused to accompany Malcolm to Washington because there was no way he was going to let the American government assassinate two renowned civil rights activists for the price of one.
Gregory said he told Malcom on the phone that he was going to call Baptist pastor and politician Adam Clayton Powell Jr. and warn him as well not to show up in Washington where Malcom would be killed.
"I'm going to beg him not to come there because today, the United States government is going to get you. I love you and I won't take a chance of my heart changing so I went to Chicago."
Gregory said when he got the news that Malcolm had been killed, he got unto the next flight back home.