Ways to practice self-love

It demands a lot of input mentally, emotionally and physically.

In Summary
  • The Oxford dictionary defines self-love as the feeling that your happiness and wishes are important.
  • Social media has taught us that self-love involves going on shopping sprees and pampering days, which is inclusive of it.
A happy woman
A happy woman
Image: FILE

In a world that challenges you daily with unrealistic expectations, self-love can be the most difficult thing to do.

The Oxford dictionary defines self-love as the feeling that your happiness and wishes are important.

It is learning to accept yourself even as you strive to better yourself.

Social media has taught us that self-love involves going on shopping sprees and pampering days, which is inclusive of it.

But it makes up a small percentage of what self-love is.

Talking about it with friends, this is what they had to say:

Self-love also includes appreciating yourself. At times we may not feel like we have achieved enough, or anything at all.

It is vital to have an optimistic view of life. The littlest of achievements are achievements.

Learn to congratulate yourself for each one of them. Buy yourself a gift, take a break from work. Don't be dull.

Avoid talking negatively about yourself.

Do not let every mistake you make attract harsh criticism from yourself.

Sometimes life is as simple as, if you can't love yourself others will find it difficult to love you.

There are days you will look in the mirror and feel like you are not good-looking. 

To learn how to deal with these scenarios and accept and love who you are, you need to understand why you are negative.

Is it the way you have been brought up, the media or your current environment?

You have to understand that you are not perfect. You can never be. You are human after all.

The next step is to make a decision. To either break the habit, change the type of media you consume, break the pressure of your upbringing or settle.

The latter does not help much.

Be consistent in assuring yourself that you got it.

Remind yourself that you got the courage and strength to achieve what you put your mind to.

Now, let's remember faith or rather blind assurance is just that. Work towards that goal.

Don't let yourself be put down by anything.

Protect your mental health.

Choose your battles. Understand that you cannot fix everyone and everything.

Be grateful for what you can change and for what you cannot, then pray for the grace to accept.

Forgive yourself. Let go of the guilt and the self-hatred for something you have done or blame yourself for.

However long it takes, learning to forgive yourself is worth it.

This includes not succumbing to negative criticism and any form of disrespect.

Your sanity should be your priority.

Eat well.

A balanced diet can go a long way in determining your mental health as much as your physical health.

A nutrient-rich diet reduces the number of mood swings you get and improves your focus.

This will mean that you do not have moments of low that you loathe yourself.

The journey to understand, accept and love who you are is difficult.

It requires a lot of meditation and confidence in how you approach life.

It demands a lot of input mentally, emotionally and physically.

You will need the right kind of people in your circle.

"Self-love is the deepest love you will ever receive from this world so learn to embrace it," a friend Atieno Mercy said.

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