Ruto needs to act or more people will join Raila protests - Kabando

He said Ruto is losing space to lead Kenya daily, as extremists dig in.

In Summary

• The former MP insisted that time is lapsing and Ruto needs to act, accordingly.

• Kabando further stated that Raila is not going to back down, which is why Ruto should act stately.

Former Mukuruwe-ini MP Kabando wa Kabando.
Former Mukuruwe-ini MP Kabando wa Kabando.
Image: FILE

Former Mukurweini MP Kabando wa Kabando now says that if President William Ruto does not act as a statesman, more Kenyans will join Raila Odinga's anti-government protests.

Speaking on Friday, Kabando said they will do this not because the former Prime Minister is right, but because Ruto will have failed as President.

The former MP insisted that time is lapsing and Ruto needs to act, accordingly.

"If Ruto doesn't act stately, more people will go #MaandamanoMondays #MaandamanoThursdays not because Raila is right but because Ruto, as president who's Head of Government, will have failed in his role as Head of State and remained as Ruto, the UDA candidate. Time lapsing fast," he tweeted.

Kabando further stated that Raila is not going to back down, which is why Ruto should act stately.

He added that jobless and maginalised youths will continue joining the opposition leader in his protests and soon we'll have nothing left of the city.

"President Ruto should indulge stately. Raila isn't going to blink. And the hungry, jobless, marginalised youthful masses will keep joining him. Nairobi won't survive another week of policed riots. It'll pour mass uprising! Ruto daily losing space to lead Kenya as extremists dig in."

Kabando's remarks come after the Azimio side held their third anti-government protests in Nairobi, Kisumu, and other parts of the country. 

The protests were marred by looting, injuries, and confrontations between protesters and the police.

It is reported that some lives were also lost.

The opposition holds anti-government protests every Monday and Thursday.

Among the things they demand are mitigation against the high cost of living, inclusion in the recruitment of IEBC Commissioners, and an amendment to certain parts of the Constitution. 

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