MCAs to table report on Kakamega board impeachment next week

Two petitioners had sought the removal of six board members for alleged gross misconduct and violation of the law.

In Summary
  • The two petitioners, however, withdrew their complaints unconditionally on April 15 and 20 respectively after preliminary hearings.

  • The withdrawals occurred two days after Governor Fernandes Barasa and his predecessor Wycliffe Oparanya held a meeting in Butere.
Hearing session for the two petitions against the Kakamega county service board by the county assembly committee on public service and administration on April 11, 2023.
RECOMMENDATIONS: Hearing session for the two petitions against the Kakamega county service board by the county assembly committee on public service and administration on April 11, 2023.

The Kakamega county assembly committee on public service and administration will table its report on the attempted removal of the County Public Service Board by two residents.

The two — Edwin Shivakale and Alex Shikanga — had on March 23 filed petitions seeking the removal of six of the seven-member board for alleged gross misconduct and violation of the law.

The two petitioners, however, withdrew their complaints unconditionally on April 15 and 20 respectively after preliminary hearings.

The accusations in the petitions include irregular employment and dismissals, soliciting bribes, abuse of office and violation of the law and constitution.

“We heard both the petitioners and we are retreating this week to write our report which we will table before the house next week,” committee chairman Willis Opuka.

Opuka said that the report will contain recommendations and observations for MCAs to debate and either approve or reject them.

“Even if the petitions were withdrawn, withdrawal is a process and we will have to do our report,” he said.

Members of the board who had been targeted for removal are Catherine Omweno (chairperson) John Wanyama, Stanley Were, Joel Omukoko, Silvia Otunga and Ralpha Wangatia. They were sworn in office on July 30, 2019.

Board secretary Catherine Gathoni is not on trial because she was not named in the two petitions.

“Take notice that Edwin Shivakale Skem —the petitioner here in do hereby and unconditionally withdraw his petition dated 23rd February 2023 against the respondents chairperson and members of Kakamega County Public Service Board,” the notice reads.

The withdrawals occurred two days after Governor Fernandes Barasa and his predecessor Wycliffe Oparanya held a meeting in Butere.

A source close to the governor told the star that Barasa was advised against impeachment of the board members. 

The source said that there was a feeling that impeachment is a condemnation of sorts and would hurt the careers of the board members.

“We felt that it was not be good for us to engage in an internal civil war because that would cause serious divisions within the government and affect service delivery,” he said.

The petitioners refused to respond to questions by the hearing panel as to whether they had been induced by anyone or the respondents.

Shivakale had accused the respondents of irregular hiring and abuse of office, while Shikanga had accused the board of unprocedurally dismissing 47 revenue officers who included county askaris, market cleaners, clerical officers and labourers two years ago on charges of gross misconduct.

The charges, he said, were on grounds that they failed to collect county government revenue from single business permits, motorbike stickers and vehicle monthly stickers.

Shikanga also said that the board employed 62 staff for various positions out of whom six had fake academic papers.  

They include Barasa’s economic adviser Desterio Okumu, Fred Muka (assistant chief liaison officer), Geoffrey Minodi (personal assistant to deputy governor Ayub Savula), comedian Thomas Oyolo (government receptionist), Terriq Shitiabai (public communication officer I) and Anderson Musungu (public communication officer II).


(edited by Amol Awuor)

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