Mudavadi, three Cabinet Secretaries to face MPs

The CSs are Interior's Kithure Kindiki, Zachary Njeru of Lands, and Blue Economy's Salim Mvurya

In Summary
  • Musalia Mudavadi will appear before the National Assembly plenary sitting at 2.30pm to explain the government’s efforts to lower the cost of living.
  • In the morning, Interior CS Kithure Kindiki, his Land and Housing counterpart Zachary Njeru and Blue Economy’s Salim Mvurya will appear before Senate plenary.
Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi during the pass out parade of cadet officers held in Kiambu County on April 24,2023.
Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi during the pass out parade of cadet officers held in Kiambu County on April 24,2023.
Image: PCS

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi and three Cabinet Secretaries have a date with MPs on Wednesday to field various questions.

They are scheduled to appear before the National Assembly and the Senate respectively.

Mudavadi will appear before the National Assembly plenary sitting at 2.30pm to explain the government’s efforts to lower the cost of living.

This followed a question by Kamukunji MP Yusuf Haji.

“[Explain] efforts that the government is instituting to lower the cost of basic commodities and fuel,” the question reads.

The former vice president will also address the depreciation of Kenya shilling against other currencies, especially the US Dollar.

Mudavadi will also give details on the supply and distribution of relief food to various parts of the country severely affected by famine and drought.

In the morning, Interior CS Kithure Kindiki, his Land and Housing counterpart Zachary Njeru and Blue Economy’s Salim Mvurya will appear before Senate plenary.

The CSs will appear before the senators in the debating chamber from 9.30am on Wednesday.

The three will be the first to appear before the plenary since the senators amended the House rules to allow the ministry bosses to take questions directly from the members.

Kindiki will be responding to among others, the questions from Samburu Senator Steve Lelegwe on the state of security in Samburu West constituency.

The constituency has witnessed massive bandit attacks, causing several deaths and injuries.

This forced the President to deploy KDF to support the ongoing security operation to flush out the bandits and enhance security in Samburu.

“Could the Cabinet Secretary indicate the plans in place to facilitate the communities from Longewan Escarpment, Pura Valley and Nolkera areas to safely return to their lands,” Lelegwe said.

The CS will also be required to update the Senate on the bizarre cult deaths in Kilifi county.

On his part, CS Njeru will respond to the question by Isiolo Senator Fatuma Dullo on the reasons for the disparity in compensation between residents of Nuno Modogashe and Isiolo.

The lot has been affected by the Africa Gateway Project.

“What are the measures put in place by the government to ensure equitable compensation to the affected residents in both areas?” Dullo asked.

CS Mvurya will be responding to the question by nominated senator Veronica Maina on the state of infrastructure put in place to facilitate the exploration of ocean renewable energy.

Mvurya will explain the initiatives put in place by his ministry to enhance the exploration of offshore gas and oil.

He will explain the extent the government has invested in putting up of infrastructure for the country to explore and benefit from aquatic products, marine, aquaculture, and blue biotechnology.

“Could the Cabinet Secretary provide the number of Kenyan-owned fish vessels registered to operate in the Exclusive Economic Zone and state the measures put in place to enhance the participation of and investment by local fishermen in the Marine Exclusive Economic Zone?” she posed.

CS Mvurya will also be responding to the question by Dullo on the rationale for the imposition of the existing moratorium on the issuance of mineral mining rights by the government.

The Cabinet Secretaries will also be required to respond to any supplementary questions from the rest of the lawmakers.






-Edited by SKanyara

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