3–day–old infant’s body retrieved from dumpsite in Machakos

Police said the partly decomposed body was moved to Kangundo Level 4 hospital mortuary.

In Summary

• Matungulu subcounty police commander Peter Omondi said investigations into the incident are ongoing.

• Omondi said police officers rushed to the scene after they received a report from a member of the public.

Crime Scene
Crime Scene
Image: The Star

A body of a three-day-old infant was on Sunday retrieved from a dumpsite in Matungulu, Machakos County.

Matungulu subcounty police commander Peter Omondi said the body was removed from the dumpsite in Tala town.

“The three-day-old infant was found dumped in a dumpsite. The partly decomposed body was removed to Kangundo Level 4 hospital mortuary,” Omondi told the Star on Sunday.

Omondi said police officers rushed to the scene after they received a report from a member of the public.

The report was made by a member of the public and the incident reported at Tala police station.

He said the officers processed the scene before the body was removed.

The police boss said they had launched investigations into the incident.

"Investigations into the incident are ongoing," Omondi said.

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