The government has approved the Meteorological Bill and Meteorological Policy.
The approvals mark a new era and transformation of the Kenya Meteorological Department into Kenya Meteorological Services.
It will enable compliance with international instruments such as the Chicago Convention of 1944 and the African Ministerial Conference on Meteorology (AMCOMET) of 2015.
According to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry Meteorological Policy 2022, MET falls under three broad categories of weather and climate namely: Provision of historical weather information; present and future weather advisories, alerts and warnings; and research on meteorology.
The main purpose of providing meteorological services is to facilitate actors in socio-economic sectors to make informed decisions, enhance efficiency and reduce risks in their operations and draw benefits associated with accurate and timely provision of weather and climate information and services.
The Kenya Meteorological Department (KMD) which is the National Meteorological Service(NMS), is domiciled in the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and is designated the single authoritative voice and source of weather, climate and hydrological alerts, warnings and advisories.
KMD is also responsible for weather, climate, air quality, and tsunami warnings.
The Meteorology Policy proposes a broad range of measures and actions to address key meteorological issues and challenges.
It further seeks to provide the framework for an integrated approach to planning and implementation of various measures and recommends a legal and institutional framework as well as governance measures to support the achievement of the desired goals and objectives.
The Policy Document presents a coordinated approach towards enhanced monitoring and evaluation, resource pooling, effective and efficient use of resources as well as governance of meteorology matters in the Country.
It is envisaged that this Policy Document will enable Kenya Meteorological Department to meet its mandate in a more structured, efficient and effective manner.