Tension as one shot in Baringo attack ahead of Kindiki visit

The gunmen drove away with more than 300 cows in the midday attack

In Summary
  • Locals said the raid has forced residents of Tiaty living in Loruk to close shops for fear of retaliatory attack.
  • The raid comes in the wake of five days long prayers, an initiative of first lady Rachel Ruto
Interior CS Kithure Kindiki visits an injured police reservist at a Nanyuki hospital on Wednesday May 17, 2023.
Interior CS Kithure Kindiki visits an injured police reservist at a Nanyuki hospital on Wednesday May 17, 2023.

At least one person was shot and injured and more than 300 cows stolen in a banditry attack in Loruk area in Baringo County.

Tension remained high in the area on Thursday following the incident ahead of the arrival of Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki.

In the attack on Wednesday, over 300 cows were driven away towards Paka hills in Tiaty, police said.

The bandits struck at around 12 pm while the cows were grazing, witnesses and police said.

They started shooting indiscriminately, forcing herders to scamper for their safety.

Police who engaged the bandits in a fierce shootout were overpowered as bandits made away with the loot.

Locals said the raid has forced residents of Tiaty living in Loruk to close shops for fear of retaliatory attack.

The raid comes in the wake of five days long prayers, an initiative of first lady Rachel Ruto aimed at intercession for the restoration of peace in six counties which has been declared disturbed and dangerous.

An operation is ongoing in the area to address the banditry menace.

The area is still described as a disturbed area to enable multi-agencies to conduct operations.

More than 200 assorted guns and thousands of ammunition have been recovered in the operation, officials said.

Kindiki has been visiting the region to assess the progress of the operation. He is accompanied by Deputy Inspector General of Administration Police Gabow Noor and other top security officials.

Locals complain of continued attacks by gunmen despite the operation being supported by the military.

Kindiki says the security teams will stay in the area for long to ensure stability at large.

Many hoped with the return of the rains, the attacks will go down.

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