
EACC wants Athi Water Works CEO suspended over tender probe

This is to pave way for investigations into tendering process for three dam projects.

by The Star

News30 May 2023 - 18:13

In Summary

• Mbarak said the request is in line with provisions of the Leadership and Integrity Act which provides for suspension of Sate or public officers mentioned in alleged graft.

• Says Thuita has been adversely mentioned in the award of tender in the construction of Ruiru-II, Karimenu and Kitui Matuu Water Projects.

A file image of Athi Water Services Board CEO Michael Thuita (L) and then acting Water Cabinet Secretary James Macharia during a tour of Kariminu II Dam in Gatundu North.

Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission chief executive officer Twalib Mbarak has written to Water and Sanitation Cabinet Secretary Alice Wahome asking her to suspend Athi Water Works Development Agency CEO Michael Thuita over a tender probe.

Mbarak said in the letter dated May 24 that the Commission is investigating procurement irregularities in the award of tender in the construction of Ruiru-II, Karimenu and Kitui Matuu Water Projects undertaken by the agency in which Thuita has been adversely mentioned.

"The CEO, being the accounting officer of the agency was involved in the implementation of these three projects. Therefore, there is a likelihood that his being in the office will interfere with the smooth provision of documents and persons who may be called upon as witnesses," the EACC boss said.

Mbarak said the request is in line with provisions of the Leadership and Integrity Act which provides for the suspension of State or public officers mentioned in alleged graft.

"Regulation 25(2) of the Leadership and Integrity Act provides that suspension shall apply where the officer is likely to conceal, alter, destroy, remove records, documents or evidence," the EACC boss stated.

He said the Act also provides for the suspension to ensure the officer in question does not intimidate, threaten or otherwise interfere with witnesses or the investigations in any manner.

Mbarak said in the application of Regulation 25(3) of the Act, a suspended State or public officer shall be placed on half pay pending conclusion of investigations.

"To this end, based on the reasons stated, it is advised that you consider invoking the above-cited provisions and take administrative action against the CEO to pave the way for investigations," he told CS Wahome.

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