President Ruto doesn’t want a country of drunkards – Gachagua

"Ruto even closed the bar at State House."

In Summary

• Rift Valley has the highest compliance score where 23,735 liquor businesses have been cleared.

• Gachagua gave a stern warning to Chiefs telling them to choose between their work and alcohol.

President William Ruto being received by his deputy Rigathi Gachagua at Kerugoya on June 13, 2023
President William Ruto being received by his deputy Rigathi Gachagua at Kerugoya on June 13, 2023
Image: PCS

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has emphasised that the government will continue its operation against illicit brew and drug abuse.

Speaking in Kerugoya on Tuesday, the DP said that his boss dislikes alcohol which has robbed many youths of their future.

"Rais Ruto hataki nchi ya walevi, alifunga ata ile bar ilikuwa State Hosue," Gachagua said.

This loosely translates to: President Ruto doesn’t want a country of drunkards, he even closed the bar at State House.

In its latest efforts to fight illicit brew,  5,995 liquor outlets have been closed down by the government in the ongoing nationwide crackdown.

The Ministry of Interior said in a statement on Tuesday that the affected premises were found culpable of serious safety breaches and failure to fully comply with essential legal requirements.

The ministry said 43,708 outlets have been assessed whereas 37,713 have been found compliant and cleared to continue with operations.

Rift Valley has the highest compliance score where 23,735 liquor businesses have been cleared.

The Eastern Region and Nairobi follow a distant second and third with 5,708 and 3,315 liquor outlets cleared respectively.

Central region has 1,827, Nyanza 1,217 while Western has had 1,153 liquor businesses which have been found to be compliant.

The Coast region has only 706 stores which have been cleared while  North Eastern has 52 liquor premises which have been declared compliant.

In addition and giving a stern warning to Chief, Gachagua told them to choose between their work and alcohol.

"Sasa serikali yetu imeamua, Mambo ni mawili. We cannot have chiefs and alcohol in one place. One has to go and because alcohol doesn't have a brain to decide, it's up to the chiefs to make the decisions," he said.

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