Isiolo first lady to champion children rights in digital space

Says digital environment nurtures children's potential but their rights should be protected.

In Summary

• According to the first lady, as much as children today are digital natives, growing up in a world that offers them many opportunities also exposes them to so many risks.

• Galgalo was speaking during the commemoration of the Day of the African Child in Isiolo themed 'Rights of the Child in the Digital Environment'.

Isiolo First lady Habiba Galgalo during the commemoration of the Day of the African Child in Isiolo on June 16, 2023
Isiolo First lady Habiba Galgalo during the commemoration of the Day of the African Child in Isiolo on June 16, 2023

Isiolo First Lady Habiba Galgalo has vowed to champion the rights of children in the digital environment.

Speaking in Isiolo, Galgalo pledged to put her best foot forward and work tirelessly to raise awareness for the well-being of children.

“Today, let us recommit ourselves to the cause of our children's rights, not only on this day but every day. Together, we can create a digital environment that nurtures our children's potential, protects their rights, and paves the way for a brighter future,” he said.

Galgalo was speaking during the commemoration of the Day of the African Child in Isiolo themed 'Rights of the Child in the Digital Environment'.

The day, according to the first lady, holds great significance as leaders come together to celebrate the rights of children who are the potential of the future

"The theme for this year's celebration highlights a critical aspect of our children's lives in the 21st century. As technology rapidly advances and the digital world becomes an integral part of our daily existence, it is our duty to ensure that our children are protected and empowered,” Galgalo noted.

According to the first lady, as much as children today are digital natives, growing up in a world that offers them many opportunities also exposes them to so many risks.

Galgalo pointed out that it was equally important for parental involvement in their children's digital lives.

"Parents and guardians need to understand the platforms their children use and the risks they may encounter," she said.

The first lady suggested that open lines of communication and regular discussions on online safety will help foster trust and enable parents to provide guidance and support.

She called on parents, guardians, educators and leaders to strive to create an environment where children’s rights are safeguarded, both online and offline.

"The digital world should be a place where our children can explore, learn and connect with others in a safe and nurturing manner. However, we cannot ignore the alarming realities they face: cyberbullying, online harassment, exposure to inappropriate content and even exploitation,” Galgalo explained.

"These challenges demand our attention and concerted efforts to ensure that our children can fully realise their rights even in the digital space," she added.

Isiolo First lady Habiba Galgalo giving her speech during the commemoration of the Day of the African Child in Isiolo on June 16, 2023.
Isiolo First lady Habiba Galgalo giving her speech during the commemoration of the Day of the African Child in Isiolo on June 16, 2023.

Nevertheless, Galgalo said it was up to adults in society where parents and guidance fall to advocate for stronger laws and regulations to protect our children online.

She emphasised the need for comprehensive legislation that addresses issues such as child exploitation, online grooming and the dissemination of harmful content.

"Collaboration between government agencies, law enforcement and tech companies is crucial to effectively tackle these challenges and ensure the digital world remains a safe space for our children," Galgallo said.

In addition, she urged Isiolo county government and stakeholders to continue standing united in Governor Abdi Hassan Guyo’s efforts to secure a better tomorrow for the children.

Galgalo vowed to advocate for policies and collaborate with stakeholders to ensure the holistic well-being of children.

Isiolo First lady Habiba Galgalo arriving for the commemoration of the Day of the African Child in Isiolo on June 16, 2023
Isiolo First lady Habiba Galgalo arriving for the commemoration of the Day of the African Child in Isiolo on June 16, 2023
Isiolo First lady Habiba Galgalo arriving for the commemoration of the Day of the African Child in Isiolo on June 16, 2023
Isiolo First lady Habiba Galgalo arriving for the commemoration of the Day of the African Child in Isiolo on June 16, 2023
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