CJ Koome renames court in Siaya in honour of Argwings Kodhek

Kodhek was the first East African barrister and first Gem constituency MP.

In Summary
  • Kodhek was murdered in cold blood during the clamour for independence in Kenya.
  • Both Orengo and Amadi said Kodhek had dedicated his professional qualifications in the representation of Mau Mau fighters.
Siaya Governor James Orengo, Chief Justice Martha Koome county First Lady Betty Orengo and other Judiciary officials during the launch of Argwings Kodhek Siaya High Court on June 15, 2023.
HONOUR: Siaya Governor James Orengo, Chief Justice Martha Koome county First Lady Betty Orengo and other Judiciary officials during the launch of Argwings Kodhek Siaya High Court on June 15, 2023.

Chief Justice Martha Koome on Thursday renamed the new law court building in the heart of Siaya town to Argwings Kodhek Siaya High Court.

This followed a request by Siaya Governor James Orengo and Chief Registrar of the Judiciary Anne Amadi. 

The renaming is to Kodhek who was the first East African to become a barrister and first Gem constituency MP.

"I accept that this court be named Argwings Kodhek Siaya law court in honor of one of the very first indigenous lawyers of this country," Koome said. 

Kodhek was murdered in cold blood during the clamour for independence in Kenya.

Both Orengo and Amadi said that Kodhek had dedicated his professional qualifications in the representation of Mau Mau fighters, mostly on pro bono terms.

Koome said that she will be gazetting the decision soon.

Siaya county is home to many former and current judges and lawyers, who were in their individual capacities have become individuals of firsts.

They include SM Otieno, Dr Oki Ooko  Ombaka and Isaiac Omolo Okero, who was the only Kenyan-born Queens Counsel.

Siaya is home to most of the Law Society of Kenya's past chairpersons, namely Isaac Okero (2016-2018), SC Joe Okwach (1986-1988) and the first female chair and former cabinet secretary Rachael Omamo (2001-2003).

Some of the judges with roots from Siaya county included retired Chief Justice Bernard Chunga, retired judges Onyango Otieno, Richard Kwach, Omondi Tunya, Muga Apondi and Andrew Hayanga.

Supreme Court Judge William Ouko, Amadi, Orenngo and Raried MP Otiende Amollo are some of the other many sons of Siaya in the legal field.

Koome was speaking during the official launch of the court's ultra-modern building, Siaya Small Claims Court, Siaya Sexual and Gender-Based Violence court and the court's e-filing system.

According to the presiding judge Daniel Ogembo, the new court building houses specious court rooms, chambers for judges, staff offices and banking-hall-style specialised registries (criminal, civil, environment, ADR and SGBV).

The children's courtroom also has a playing area, Ogembo said.

Koome said that the Judiciary is on course to establish a magistrate's court in Ugunja constituency, as it is the only region in Siaya without a court facility.

The goal, the CJ said, is to bridge the gap between the people and the courts.

By launching the e-filing system, the president of the Supreme Court said that litigants will henceforth be able to file cases from wherever place they are.

"Through our automation officers, we are set to establish desks at huduma centres where litigants will be assisted to file their documents instead of going to cyber cafes," she said.

Automation, Koome said, will ingrain virtual proceedings as part of the court proceedings and that litigants will be able to attend court from any part of the world.

Chairperson of the International Association of Women Judges Kenyan Chapter Justice Agnes Murgor said that slightly more than two per cent of SGBV cases that go to court in Kenya have been reported from Siaya.

Accordingly, she said that the organisation has since developed training materials of women judges in handling SGBV cases and to combat human trafficking.

The SGBV court is a realisation of the Judiciary's gender mainstreaming policy, Murgor said.

The Siaya SGBV is the second to be lunched by the Judiciary after the one that was open in Shanzu, Mombasa late last year.

"There is no doubt the SGBV court will revolutionise access of justice to survivors by creating victim friendly court rooms that ensure proceedings are done in an environment that prohibits stigmatisation," she said.

The safe judicial space for survivors, Murgor added, will also offer psychosocial support for victims and ensure timely delivery of judgement of SGBV cases.

Chief Justice Martha Koome inspect a guard of honour mounted by scouts outside the Siaya law Courts on June 15, 2023.
HONOUR: Chief Justice Martha Koome inspect a guard of honour mounted by scouts outside the Siaya law Courts on June 15, 2023.
Supreme Court Judge Wiliam Ouko, Siaya presiding judge Daniel Ogembo, CJ Martha Koome, Governor James Orengo, county First Lady Betty Murungi and Judiciary Registrar Anne Amadi during the launch of the Siaya law courts Complex on June 15, 2023.
HONOUR: Supreme Court Judge Wiliam Ouko, Siaya presiding judge Daniel Ogembo, CJ Martha Koome, Governor James Orengo, county First Lady Betty Murungi and Judiciary Registrar Anne Amadi during the launch of the Siaya law courts Complex on June 15, 2023.
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