Machakos health workers issue 21–day strike notice

Issues of concern are promotions, staff shortage and inadequate hospital supplies.

In Summary
  • The over 2,500 medics issued the notice to Governor Wavinya Ndeti’s administration.
  • They issued the county leadership with a 21–day strike notice to look into their plight.
KMPDU Lower Eastern chairman Dr. Charles Okumu
KMPDU Lower Eastern chairman Dr. Charles Okumu

Health workers in Machakos have threatened to down their tools in three weeks’ time if the administration fails to address their concerns.

The over 2,500 medics issued the notice to Governor Wavinya Ndeti’s administration through their respective leaders from Machakos branch and Lower Eastern region.

They issued the county leadership with a 21–day strike notice to look into their plight.

They included Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union, Kenya National Union of Nurses, Kenya Union of Clinical Officers, Kenya National Union of Medical Laboratory Officers and Kenya Health Professionals Society.

“We have issued a 21–day strike notice to the County Government of Machakos. We have written a letter to the county secretary and head of public service and copied to the Office of Governor, Machakos County Assembly and County Public Service Board,” KMPDU Lower Eastern chairman Dr Charles Okumu said.

Okumu said their issues of concern were promotions of healthcare workers that were to happen in 2022 and some this year, staff shortage and inadequate hospital supplies.

“Most of the time when patients come to the hospital, they have to buy supplies, gloves and medicine on their own, and we want that to stop. We want money to be brought to hospitals and managed at the hospital so that we don’t have shortfalls of drugs and supplies,” Okumu told reporters in Machakos town on Monday.

He said two theatres at Machakos Level 5 Hospital were no longer operational due to lack of necessary medical supplies and staff.

“Kuna theatres ambazo zimefungwa kwa sababu unapata hakuna zile supplies za kutumika (loosely translated to mean, there are theatres which are being closed due to lack of supplies). So, we don’t want such things to happen because money is being directed to the hospitals, but it’s utilised elsewhere,” Okumu said.

On staff promotion, Okumu said there were workers who did interviews in around July last year but hadn’t been promoted. They include doctors, nurses, clinical officers and laboratory technologists.

“The County Public Service Board sat and issued letters of authority meaning that those people were to be promoted. But, since the new government came in, we haven’t seen even a single person promoted,” Okumu said.

Okumu said the county leadership had ignored the authority from the board yet they believe that the board was an institution and not about individuals.

“The decision that the board that was there then made should be used even today since it's about the organisation and not personality. So, these are the three main issues that are affecting us prompting the strike,” Okumu said.

“We will in 21 days mobilise all our members, over 200 doctors, 1,000 nurses, 200 clinical officers and all other healthcare workers in Machakos county. It’s going to be the mother of all strikes because for once, we are united as all healthcare workers in Machakos. We are speaking with one voice,” Okumu said.

Governor Wavinya Ndeti’s director of communications Calvin Mutwiwa in a quick rejoinder said the county government’s leadership was in talks with the health workers’ officials and a lasting solution will soon be reached.

“The health workers’ leadership have been holding meetings with Health chief officers, CECM, and board members. Maybe they are feeling that it’s taking long and want the process hastened,” Mutwiwa said.

Mutwiwa said the main issue was the workers’ delayed promotions.

He said there was no course for alarm over the issues.

Mutwiwa urged the union officials to call off the planned strike and instead find a solution through the already started engagements between them, the county government’s executive and other relevant stakeholders.

“The main issue has been promotions, let due process be followed,” Mutwiwa told the Star by phone on Tuesday.

“There are dire conditions of people who are really suffering and we shouldn’t allow patients to suffer over matters that can be amicably handled,” he said.

He, however, trashed claims that two theatres were not functional at Machakos Level 5 Hospital, stating that drugs and other medical supplies were consistently supplied in all health facilities in the nine subcounties of Machakos.

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