Salasya seeks help from Mudavadi over Mumias sugar fall

In an interview in 2022, he said fall of Mumias Sugar inspired him to run for office in August polls.

In Summary

• Mumias was one of the greatest sugar producers in the country however it was grounded due to poor management.

• UDA secretary general Cleophas Malala had urged President William Ruto to look into the Mumias Sugar factory that grounded years ago.

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia MUdavadi with Mumias East MP Peter Salsya on June 29, 2023.
Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia MUdavadi with Mumias East MP Peter Salsya on June 29, 2023.

Mumias East MP Peter Salasya on Thursday met with Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi to discuss the plight facing Mumias Sugar.

Through his Facebook account, Salasya said that he asked the Prime CS for political support and goodwill.

Salasya reiterated that he will be seeking political support from all Western leaders both from the Kenya Kwanza and Azimio La Umoja.

“For the first time I will be looking for political support from all leaders from western for political goodwill support because the enemies including politicians who don’t want to see Mumias Sugar Company being revived are so many,” Salasya said.

He said he will approach all of them and those who will refuse, will be brought to the public notice.

In an interview in November 2022, Salasya said that the fall of Mumias Sugar Company inspired him to run for office in the August polls.

The MP said he believed in himself as the only voice that can change the lives of the people.

"I come from a land where we do a lot of sugarcane farming, but because we did not have true leaders who could stand with that person on the ground, they allowed the cartels to collapse the company without bringing in an alternative," he said at an interview with Spice FM.

UDA secretary general Cleophas Malala had also urged President William Ruto to look into the Mumias Sugar factory that was grounded years ago.

He was speaking during a church service at Christ Church pro-cathedral on Sunday.

“Mr. President please just ignores the Mps and other political wings and ensure Mumias come back to life and if you win that we shall create more employment for our youths,” Malala said.

Mumias was one of the greatest sugar producers in the country however it was grounded due to poor management.

Malala further accused the previous government of cheating Kenyans that they were working on a formula to revive the factory.

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