Community health workers get pay under Senate Bill

Proposed law provides permanent and pensionable jobs for workers key to grassroots healthcare.

In Summary
  • Community health workers, who currently work as volunteers, will have permanent and pensionable jobs if a Bill before the Senate is passed.
  • The Community Health Services Bill, 2023 compels county governments to recruit and retain the community health workers.

A child receives polio drops in a past vaccination drive. Community health volunteers and workers will help in vaccination dries.
OPEN WIDE: A child receives polio drops in a past vaccination drive. Community health volunteers and workers will help in vaccination dries.

Community health workers, who currently work as volunteers, basis, will enjoy permanent and pensionable jobs if a new Bill currently before the senate is enacted.

The Community Health Services Bill, 2023 compels the county governments to recruit and retain the community health workers.

The Senate Bill will  apply to all 47 counties.

“The object of this Bill is to provide a framework for the regulation of community health services and the recognition of community health workers,” the Bill read.

The proposed law sponsored by Homa Bay Senator Moses Kajwang has also been introduced in the Senate for first reading.

The Bill states that the County Public Service Board shall competitively recruit and appoint such community health officers it considers necessary for the proper and efficient implementation of the Act.

They will sensitise communities on health and sanitation, help in vaccination drives and identify community problems, among other tasks.

According to the proposed legislation, Health Cabinet Secretary, in consultation with county governors, is obligated to develop regulations on community health services.

It states that County Assemblies will consider legislative interventions to strengthen community health services.

The Bill proposes  the National government, in collaboration with county governments, shall formulate a policy on delivering community health services including technical resources and structures required for the delivery of community health services.

County governments, the Bill states, shall implement the national policy and standards on community health services and mobilise resources necessary for the delivery of community health services in the county.

In addition, counties will also allocate adequate funds and resources necessary for the effective delivery of community health services.

They will also develop the necessary technological infrastructure required by the community health workforce to effectively deliver community health.

The county governments shall facilitate access to information regarding appropriate health behaviour including basic information on sanitation, hygiene and the prevention and treatment of communicable and non-communicable diseases.

The health executives in each county shall advise the governor on all matters relating to community health services  and develop and implement county-specific programmes and strategies.

The CEC will also monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of programmes  collaborate with partners in the water, agriculture and education sectors to improve determinants of health. 

“The County Executive Committee member will approve and integrate into the county budget the community health unit annual work plan and the budget and make recommendations for the review of the standard reporting tools to the community health workforce,” the Bill states.

According to the proposed legislation, the Community Health Service officer will provide technical support and training to volunteers.

The Bill also proposes a community health volunteer who shall sensitise the community on the importance of quality health services and healthy lifestyles.

They will provide community disease surveillance by reporting early signs of imminent health disasters or emergencies and monitor the health status of members of the households assigned to the workers. 

The Community Health volunteer will also keep and maintain a register of members in all households assigned to then, monitor the rehabilitation and integration of persons with mental illness into the community.

“At the end of each financial year, the county executive committee member shall submit a report to the county assembly on the proposed implementation of community health programmes in that year,” the Bill states.

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