I'm in ODM to stay, rebel senator Ojienda tells off Ledama

Ojienda is among nine ODM MPs who have been labelled as rebels.

In Summary

• According to Ojienda, he will remain a member of the Orange party "until further notice".

• Ojienda added that the two leaders, together with Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi are former members of the Raila Odinga-led ODM.

Kisumu Senator Tom Ojienda
Kisumu Senator Tom Ojienda
Image: FILE

Kisumu Senator Tom Ojienda insists that he is in the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) to stay.

According to Ojienda, he will remain a member of the Orange party "until further notice".

The senator said he will also continue working with President William Ruto and his deputy Rigathi Gachagua.

Ojienda added that the two leaders, together with Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi are former members of the Raila Odinga-led ODM.

"I remain and will continue to be a member of ODM, until further notice. And I continue to work with H. E William Ruto, who was also a member of ODM. And H.E Rigathi Gavhagua, also a former member of ODM. And H.E Musalia Mudavadi, formerly a member of ODM," Ojienda said.

He was responding to remarks by Narok Senator Ledama Olekina, who accused him of continuing to identify as a member of ODM, yet he was with Kenya Kwanza.

Ledama also said no one can convince Ojienda to stop working with Ruto.

"Huyu @ProfOjiendaTom alienda Zamani, can’t convince him and imagine he still introduces himself as ODM …Shida tupu," the Narok senator said.

Ojienda is among nine ODM rebel MPs who have gone against the Opposition party and are openly working with President William Ruto.

Other MPs include Gideon Ochanda (Bondo), Caroli Omondi (Suba South), Elisha Odhiambo (Gem) Mark Nyamita (Uriri), Paul Abuor (Rongo) and Lang'ata MP Phelix Odiwuor alias Jalang'o.

On July 5, the ODM Management Committee resolved to trigger the formal process that will lead to the MPs being kicked out of the party in the coming weeks.

The meeting also decided that owing to the protracted legal battles expected to ensue, the process will begin from the grassroots as required by the ODM party constitution.

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