IG Koome bans Azimio protests planned for Wednesday

Says outfit has not notified police about the demonstrations.

In Summary

• The IG said whereas Kenyans are allowed by law to demonstrate, previous demos by the opposition outfit have led to deaths and destruction of property.

• Raila on Friday said he would marshal his supporters across the country for a second round of demonstrations against the Kenya Kwanza government.

IG of Police Japhet Koome addressing the media in a past event.
IG of Police Japhet Koome addressing the media in a past event.
Image: FILE

Inspector General of Police Japhet Koome has banned the Azimio protests planned for Wednesday.

In a statement, the IG said whereas Kenyans are allowed by law to picket and demonstrate, previous demonstrations by the opposition outfit have led to deaths and destruction of property.

He further said the Raila Odinga-led outfit has not notified the police of plans to hold the follow-up protests to last Friday's Saba Saba demonstrations.

"In this regard, no such demonstrations/gatherings, protests will be allowed tomorrow (Wednesday) since no such notification has been presented to any police station. All lawful means will be used to disperse such demonstrations," Koome said.

His statement came even as National Assembly Minority leader Opiyo Wandayi said last Friday that they had notified police about Wednesday's protests.

"We have simply notified you (police) that come next Wednesday the whole country will come to a standstill as Kenyans of all walks of life participate in massive demonstrations in every width and breadth of the country," he said at a press conference after the Saba Saba rally at Kamukunji grounds. 

During the presser, Raila said he would marshal his supporters across the country for a second round of demonstrations against the Kenya Kwanza government and President William Ruto whose regime he termed as illegitimate.

The opposition chief on Tuesday reiterated the stand saying their activities are protected by the Constitution and Kenyans must never be made to believe that they are wrong when they protest.

"By resorting to civil disobedience and protests, we can’t be wrong unless the law itself is wrong. We are back tomorrow (Wednesday), at Kamkunji in Nairobi and Kamkunjis elsewhere across the country," Raila said during a press conference at the SKM command centre in Karen.

He appealed to his supporters to turn up in numbers for the demonstrations both in Nairobi and in the counties where other Azimio principals will lead parallel demonstrations.

"With time, Ruto will respect Kenyans. What we started last week was only the first wave. Tomorrow, we must return with an even greater force and in greater numbers. And we must keep doing this until Ruto listens to and respects Kenyans," the former Prime Minister said.

He spoke after launching digital signature collection platform dubbed Tumechoka Citizens Initiative to upscale collection of 15 million signatures.

He said the initiative, whose goal is to kick Ruto out of office by invoking Article 1 of the Constitution, is meant to "express people’s displeasure with Ruto and the raft of punitive, unfair and unjust taxes that he has decided to impose on the people without their consent".

"This is part of the campaign of resistance, the civil disobedience and citizens’ actions that we have decided to pursue to force Ruto and his regime to respect and listen to the people," he said.

Raila spoke moments after Interior CS Kithure Kindiki warned that acts of lawlessness will not be tolerated during Wednesday's protests.

Kindiki who had on Sunday told police not to interfere with unarmed protesters said security operatives will not hesitate to act firmly against any acts of hooliganism.

"Freedom of association and the right to demonstrate/picket do not include the right to cause mayhem and loot property. On Wednesday, anyone threatening to make the country ungovernable through mayhem, looting, chaos, and bloodshed will be dealt with firmly and decisively, in accordance with the law," Kindiki said.

He spoke when he commissioned Igoji Sub-County Headquarters in Meru county.

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